Chapter 987

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Erin's POV: After eating supper with Voight, I smiled as we sat together in the living room. We were laughing at pictures he was showing me of his grandson Daniel which Justin's widow sent to him recently. "God, he is growing up fast." Hank chuckled and smiled when I said that. "This is why you need to be around for when this little girl here is growing up. She's going to grow up to be one of the most beautiful girls in the world." Jay smiled when he said that while moving his hand to my stomach. "If she looks like her mom, that is guaranteed."

I smiled when he said that while leaning against him and moving my hand to his lap. He then grabbed it and intertwined our fingers before kissing my forehead. "Sorry for being close. It's just our first Christmas as a married couple and my first one with Jay in a while." Hank nodded and agreed. "I completely get it. Enjoy it because next year, you are going to be having it with that little girl." Jay smiled and nodded. "By the way, I need to request Christmas off next year."

I looked up at him. "Why you putting in the request so early?" Jay smiled. "So that I get it off guaranteed. First come, first served. That way, me and you are guaranteed a chance to spend our first Christmas as a family of 3 together with Olivia at the cabin." I smiled when he said that before feeling Jay's lips on my head and his hand rub my stomach. "God, you are so romantic sometimes." Jay smiled when I said that and nodded as he held me in his arms.

I then turned to look at Voight and smiled. "Sorry for getting romantic like this. Just the first Christmas." Voight smiled and understood. "Erin relax, you're at home and it's Christmas. Right now I am not your boss, I am your father. And believe me when I say this, I find it adorable when your husband is showing how much he loves you. It's what you deserve right now considering you are pregnant with your first child."

Jay smiled when Hank said that. "And you promise me that I am going to be guaranteed that time off I already put it for when Erin gives birth right? I'm sorry but, I want to make sure we get that because I want to be around when Olivia is born to experience those first few days as a family. It's going to be an amazing experience and it's already something I can't wait for."

I smiled when Jay said that because I felt the same way. I couldn't wait to hold our daughter in our arms for the first time, watch him bond with her and hold her in his strong arms. If I liked it when he held me in his arms like this, what would Olivia think about it. That's when I heard Hank speak to me. "Since when did you guys change the name?"

I sighed and looked at him. "When we realized that it was going to always hit too close to home. The Nadia case was really hard on me and I thought I would be able to name our daughter after my friend to honor her but...I couldn't. It started giving me bad dreams and nightmares about her death again. So, we decided to change it to Olivia after my idol from SVU." Hank then smirked. "Ah, Olivia Benson. Good times, good times."

I looked at him in disgust, thinking that they slept together. "Okay, that was not something I needed to know about. Ewh." I then got up and walked away to the kitchen to grab some water. Hank then looked at Jay and was confused. "What?" Jay chuckled. "Olivia Benson is her idol. She didn't need to know that you slept with her." Hank was shocked. "Oh god, no. Me and Olivia go way back. But, not romantically. I am talking professionally. Haven't been with another woman since Camille's death." Jay nodded and understood. 

Walking back into the living room and overheard what Hank said. "Sorry I thought it was the other way. It's just...I never knew what your relationship was with her. You guys are so close ands it felt like you guys were dating." He nodded and understood. "Never. Plus, she's a New York girl. I'm a Chicago guy." Jay nodded and agreed. "We all are." I smiled when Jay said that before looking up at him. "You can take the girl out of Chicago but you can't take Chicago out of the girl." Jay smiled and nodded before bending down to kiss me. However, Hank just groaned.

"Oh shut up Hank, I'm pregnant and hormonal. Sometimes I need to share a kiss with my husband to calm me down. Anyways, we needed to change the topic after that awkward conversation and this worked." Jay then looked at me and was about to say something. "And don't complain unless you want to talk yourself out of getting...." Jay then nodded and understood, not wanting me to mention it in front of Hank considering it's not appropriate.

Hank then looked at us and sighed. "And I think that's my cue to leave." I turned to look at him and sighed. "Sorry, guess the romance is still going strong." He agreed and nodded. I then walked over to him and went to hug him. "Promise me that you aren't going into the office tomorrow? You went in in sick tomorrow since we are too. Need an extra day to relax." Hank nodded and agreed.

"Deal, now I am going to get home and just relax. Might even call Olive and say hi." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "That sounds like a plan. Now, let's get you on your way home." Hank then walked over to Jay and shook his hand. "Thanks Jay for your help today." She smiled and nodded. "Anytime Hank." I then smiled at Jay before looking up at him. "I'll be up in a minute." Jay nodded and smiled as he went to make his way upstairs to our room.

I then turned to look at Hank and smiled as I led him outside so that we could get him on his way home.

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