Toppū Kaze-No-Kami

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basic info

name ; Toppū Kamikazi
name pronunciation ; Tow-Pew Ka-Meh-Kaw-Z
name meaning ; Toppū's meaning is "gust of wind" while Kamikaze means "Devine winds"
nickname(s) ; N/A

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him

date of birth ; October 9th
age ; 21

zodiac sign ; Libra

birth country ; japan
nationality ; Japanese

species ; Human


height ; 5'6
weight ; 167 lbs

hair color ; Brown with forest green tips
hairstyle ; short but fluffy, stops right before his nose and the middle of his ears, brushed downward

skin color ; pale beige
eye color ; lime green

additional feature(s) ; scar on his top lip from hot skewer, very rough and lightly scatter hands

body description ; standing at 5'6, Toppū is an inch shorter than the average male height. He weighs about 167 lbs, most of which comes from the slim muscle he has on his body. He's slim and lean, having muscle but having nothing to show for it. He stands straight, head held high at all times. He has medium length brown hair, brush down on all sides. Forest green tips at the ends of his hair.

visual ; a/n this drawing is heavily referenced from Koyoharu Gotoge's volume 5 manga cover of Giyuu Tomioka!

visual ; a/n this drawing is heavily referenced from Koyoharu Gotoge's volume 5 manga cover of Giyuu Tomioka!

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fighting information

strengths ; heavily wooded areas, hand to hand combat, running long distances, stamina
weaknesses ; flexibility, working long missions (those that take a while to find the demon)

stats ;
strength - 7/10
power - 7/10
speed - 10/10
flexibility - 4/10
agility - 8/10
cooperation - 7/10
technique - 8/10
intelligence - 9/10
breath control - 10/10
total - 70/90

breathing style ; Breath of Wind

breathing forms

First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter
The swordsman dashes forward and slashes in a horizontal cyclone pattern.

Second Form: Claw-Purifying Wind The swordsman lifts the sword upwards towards the right, above their head and unleashes four vertical slashes down on the enemy resembling claws.

Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree The swordsman unleashes a whirlwind of slashes around their body that can defend them from incoming attacks and slice up their surroundings.

Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm
The swordsman creates several slashes above them from below their target.

Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind
The swordsman creates several circular arched slashes that increase in size from above their target.

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