Dadaiko Lu

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basic info

name ; Dadaiko Lu
name pronunciation ; Da-Dye-Co Loo
name meaning ; Dadaiko can mean both big drum and loud drum. It's spelled with the following Kanji 鼉太鼓 . 鼉 can mean large reptile, water lizard, 太 can mean plump, thick, big around, and 鼓 can mean drum, beat, rouse, muster. Lu comes from the Chinese character 吕 meaning musical note. His nickname, Daiko, is half of Kumi-Daiko which is another name for a Japanese drum called the Taiko.
nickname(s) ; Daiko

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him

date of birth ; August 2nd
age ; 22

zodiac sign ; Leo

birth country ; Japan
ethnicity ; Japanese, Chinese (father) and Zimbabwean (mother)

species ; Human

occupation ; Demon Slayer Corps.
ranking ; Kinoe


height ; 5'10
weight ; 170 lbs

hair color ; white fading to a deep red
hairstyle ; Daiko's hair is exceptionally curly but he doesn't see the need to do any protective styles. Mainly as he thinks it would take too much effort to uphold. His hair is loose and hangs around his face. It ends just below his jawline, and it sectioned into three parts around his face. One between his eyes and the other two pushed slightly to the left and right. It's light and moves with him, often falling in front of his eyes. Sometimes he'll pull it back so that he can see.

skin color ; Sepia brown with warm undertones
eye color ; Right eye is a pale pink colour while his left is a warm red

additional feature(s) ; Daiko is blind in his right eye, that being the cause for the pale pink colour. His hair has been losing pigment over the course of his life and one of his eyebrows is completely white. He has a mole under his left eye.
body description ; Weighing in at 170 lbs, Daiko has a fair amount of weight for his height. He has more lean muscle that's even distributed throughout his body, giving him a skinny look even if he's an average weight. He holds himself with respect, this being his good posture and cleanliness. There's never a day he's slouching or gone without a bath. His face is a bit more babyish than the rest of his body, having a softer jawline and more plump cheeks. His eyes are almond shaped, a bit wider than most with his eye shape.

uniform description ; Daiko wears the normal Demon Slayer uniform, same shirt same pants and everything. His uniform is a dark red, like Rengoku's but a bit more pink. He wears similar leg wrappings to Tanjirou and Giyuu, along with black socks and zori's with red straps. He has a white haori that has a demon mask, a hannya, on the back in a dark red. Near the bottom of the haori and on the sleeves it faces from white to a deep red.

fighting information

strengths ; up close combat, stamina, cooperation, strength, breath control, brute force
weaknesses ; flexibility, keeping things in his line of sight, looking out for others, exerting too much force

stats ;
strength - 8/10
power - 7/10
speed - 7/10
flexibility - 6/10
agility - 7/10
cooperation - 9/10
technique - 8/10
intelligence - 8/10
breath control - 10/10
total - 70/100

breathing style ; Breath of Thunder


number of weapons ; 3
weapon type ; Long bladed pole weapon, Naginata. Despite its heavy weight and relatively slow handling, Daiko has found a way to move just as quickly as his fellow slayers.
Skull breaking knife. Kabutowari. This is a side arm weapon that Daiko resorts to, should his naginata go missing during battle.

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