Leon Barbados

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basic info

name ; Leon Barbados
name meaning ; The name Leon means Lion and is of French origin

nicknames and meanings ; Leon is sometimes called "Zassō" in school because when he first arrived he tripped over a weed in the schools parking lot.

gender and pronouns ; male, he/him

date of birth ; July 4th, 1995
age ; 17 years old

zodiacs and meaning ; Cancer traits include being nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking and offering, loving, and displaying a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor.

nationality ; Brazilian

species ; Human


Height ; 5'6 Weight ; 165 lbs

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Height ; 5'6
Weight ; 165 lbs

Hair color ; brown
Hairstyle ; dreads, shaved side, flipped over right eyed
Hair length ; about 4-6 inches

Skin color ; light brown
Eye color ; hazelnut

Additional Facial features ; very sharp canines, long tongue
Body description ; Leon Barbados is a 5'6, 165 lbs seventeen year old. He's a little on the chubby side, though he still manages to look lean. He has light brown skin that goes with his dark brown hair and hazelnut eyes. He has very sharp canines and a long tongue.
Additional feature ; there's a long scar that starts from the start of his ring finger to the end of his elbow.


School of choice ; Karasuno high!
Uniform ; navy blue blazer, white dress shirt (short sleeves), navy blue dress pants.

Club ; Volleyball
Club uniform ; the volleyball uniform, #13
Club position ; Defensive Specialist
DefSp: They are a reliable role player who provides consistent good passes during serve receive, consistent digging, good defensive coverage, and possibly good serving. Defensive specialists are also the players who scramble for every ball, making the impossible saves

Year ; 2nd year
Class ; 2-3

fighting information

ability ; defensive
attacks / forms ; N/A

strengths ; passes during serve receive, consistent digging, good defensive coverage, and possibly good serving.
weaknesses ; offensive moves, spiking, blocking, setter dumps

stats ;
strength - 4/10
power - 7/10
speed - 8/10
agility - 8/10
cooperation - 10/10
technique - 8/10
intelligence - 7/10
total - 52/70


general personality ; Leon is a happy go lucky guy with zero boundaries! Anything flys in his book. You wanna hug him? Go ahead! Kiss him without warning? Sure! Even on the lips? Yup that's fine too! Slap his ass? He won't get mad. He likes touching and doesn't care if people touch him. He just likes affection that much. He's a charismatic person, often cracking jokes and carrying a conversation. He's a little possessive, not wanting to share important things to him. And that'll usually include his lover. Anyways. It takes a lot to upset him, but when he is upset, he always bounces right back! But when he's mad, oh boy he gets mad.

habits ; squeals when he's excited/happy, shaking his head and hands if he hears unsatisfactory noises (nails on a chalk bored, scratching a plastic binder,) playing with his fingers/cracking his knuckles when he's bored

fears ; really small bugs
soft spots / vulnerability ; n/a
aggression levels ; he gets violent when he's mad. Though it takes a lot to get him to that level

background ; Leon grew up in Brazil with his mom and three little brothers. There he started volleyball, learning from his mom and their friends. He was a prodigy for defense so that's what he focused on. When he moved to japan, he chose karasuno since he had a friend from online there. Said friend convinced him to join the volleyball club and Leon had to learn new things. In Brazil people usually don't use their hands to play. Besides the point, he made quick friends with Tanaka, seeing as his online friend; Nishinoya, insisted on the three being a trio.

parents / interaction ; Dorotea Barbados, mother. Alive. Leon has a close relationship with his mom, often playing volleyball with her and his brothers.
siblings / interaction ; Jovana Barbados. 2nd oldest. The kids is emo so he doesn't talk to Leon that much anymore. But they sometimes text memes to each other.
Tereza Barbados. 3rd oldest. He admires Leon and often is hanging out in his room and cuddling with him.
Bruno Barbados. Youngest. He's babied by Leon and they spend time together learning volleyball(it's just Leon teaching him) and watching cartoons.
relatives / interaction ; N/A

love interest 1 / interaction ; Bokuto Koutarou. Leon likes his personality and often invites him over to smoke. Usually it's just Leon smoking but when bokuto joins, they're two useless idiots trying to find out what 2+2 is.

love interest 2 / interaction ; Tendou Satori. Have you met him? Him and Leon would literally be best friends. They sometimes meet on weekends and try to see how tripped up they can get.

best friend / interaction ; Nishinoya Yuu. They met online and became closer friends once Leon moved. Him, Tanaka and Leon are the disaster trio of second years.
Tanaka Ryūnosuke. Him and Leon connected almost immediately and they often roughhouse together. He's also part of their protecting Kiyoko thing.

trivia ;
- part of the Kiyoko simp squad
- is a raging homosexual
- his mom lets him smoke weed just not around his brothers
- he's a real weird guy
- he loves the colour green
- radiates disaster gay energy
- probably has ADHD
- is friends with Kuroo from nekoma
- somehow met Terushima and lit up with him a few times
- if someone points at him or has a finger in his direction, he will either bite it or try to lick it
- weird mf
- likes strawberries but he's weird and eats the green part
- is kinda dumb lol

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