Salvino Juventus

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basic info

name ; Salvino Juventus
name meaning ; Salvino's name is wholly Latin. Salvino is a translation of Savior and Juventus is the Roman goddess of Youth
name pronunciation ; s-ae-l-v-EE-n-oh, yoo-ven-toos
nickname(s) ; Vinny, it's what he goes by all the time, not many know his full name

age ; 18
birthday ; November 30th, 1995

gender and pronouns ; Male, any pronouns, he/him preferred

ethnicity ; Italian


height ; 5'7
weight ; 160 lbs

hair color ; platinum blonde
hairstyle ; his hair is parted so that one side falls over his right eye, he has a small piece of it tied back near his neck

skin color ; white peach
eye color ; violet

additional feature(s) ; Vinny was born with a split tongue and has a scar from an injury as a kid that goes from his collar bone to his belly button

visual ; @/amazu_ on Twitter

visual ; @/amazu_ on Twitter

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general personality ; Salvino is distant, quiet, and creative.

Because of his past, Salvino had learned to cut off any and all access to his feelings so as to not give his parents the upper hand. In his mind, if he didn't react then their words had no impact on him. They'd have no power. This development stuck with him, making him feel extreme anxiety over accidentally sharing even the slightest emotional sign. His face is always cold, eyes far off and seemingly in a different place. He can't outwardly express anything as of now, remaining a distant student. One who struggles to make friends because of this.

His quietness comes from his past. In order to not give away his emotional state, he decided his lips needed to be sealed at all times. Salvino is a horrible liar, his face goes bright red and his mouth goes dry. So to say "I'm fine," when he isn't would be a tell tale of his lying. So he keeps quiet, only really responding with head nods or shakes. He does talk sometimes, only for class presentations or in situations he can't sign lanague himself out of. His voice is soft and a bit high pitched as he hadn't talked at all for a majority of his teenage years. Most point and saw he's a selective mute, which couldn't be farther from the truth. He chooses not to speak, it's not a product from his anxiety.

Salvino, despite being unable and unwilling to voice these things, has a love for art. Anything about it and any media. Painting, sketching, photography, abstract etc. he loves it all. Art is a way for him to express things he's usually unable to do. Or unable to really figure out just what he's feeling. His mind wanders a lot, doodling on the world with gruesome images or creating disturbing songs in his head. To most his choice of focus for his art is a bit disturbing, since most of it is about him. But they don't know that. Vinny loves being creative with his hands since he can't do so with his words.

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