Strawberry Milk

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basic info

name ; Strawberry Milk
nickname(s) ; Strawberry, Berrie (only by Milk cookie)

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him

sexuality ; demisexual

age ; 24

species ; cookie
cookie type ; strawberry milk

cookie class ; ambush


hair color ; white at the roots, pink fading down
hairstyle ; just a fluffy mess, some is stuck under his hat

dough color ; pinkish beige
eye color ; reddish pink

additional feature(s) ; he actually has sprinkle eyes that look like x's

visual ;


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general personality ; Strawberry is an introverted cookie. He doesn't really care much for social events or making friends, as all he ever needed was his brother. He refrains from talking to other cookies since he has a habit of being a bit snarky and sarcastic. This made him disliked by cookies his age in his village and this furthered his introverted tendencies.

While he is a bit rude, he still has his soft moments. Growing up as an older brother he finds comfort in being able to take care of those he loves. He likes being depended on, even if he makes it seem like he doesn't. He shows his love through actions since his words often betray him. He cares a lot for cookies he bonds with and values them more than anything.

background ; Strawberry grew up in the Milk village with his two brothers, Milk cookie and Chocolate milk cookie. Their mother worked hard to make sure each of them were able to have full meals every night. Over time and as he grew up, Strawberry took over that role. Even at his mothers hesitance, he was still only 13, he worked hard for his little brothers. He made sure they ate, made friends, had fun and other things. He worked to make sure they were happy.

After their village had been attacked, Strawberry was less willing to let his brothers leave the village. Especially since Milk cookie was almost attacked. But when hearing Milk's admiration or the cookie prince who saved him, Strawberry reluctantly let his brother's out. He didn't want to be too controlling and still wanted them to have fun. 

When Strawberry turned 18, Milk cookie convinced him and Chocolate to join the village's church. During that time, Strawberry cookie became more introverted and more polite, though only when he needed to be. He was surprised when his brothers started learning fighting tactics, but decided to join since he wanted to protect them.

Now some time later he wanders with Milk cookie in search for the prince who saved him. Their brother Chocolate stayed at the village with their mother, insisting she needed someone to take care of her.


likes ;  sour jellies, poetry, reading almost any kind of novels, his brothers, sword fighting, sleeping, being lazy, taking care of his loved ones
dislikes ; his old village, the church, horror novels, being told what to do, seeing his brothers hurt, people insulting him when they think he's not there

strengths ; offensive fighting, body weight, hand to hand combat, being able to tank hits
weaknesses ; weak defense, his brothers, easily scared, unconfident of his own abilities


siblings / interaction ; Milk cookie is someone Strawberry both loves and sometimes can't stand. The cookies overwhelmingly positive attitude combats his own pessimistic point of view.

(Love interest are interchangeable)
love interest 1 / interaction ; Vampire, while he is a lazy cookie, Strawberry can't help but be enraptured by him. He wants to know more about Vampire and the latter knows it. He keep Strawberry wanting more by leaving just enough hints to keep questioning.

love interest 2 / interaction ; Madeleine, big dumb idiot meets another big dumb idiot. Their only differences is their personality. Strawberry likes Madeleines confidence and upbeat personality. He doesn't struggle to carry conversations and doesn't seem to mind Strawberry's pessimism.


voice claim ; Tomioka Giyuu, Demon Slayer

fun facts ;

- [x] Strawberry M. is a heavy set cookie, his muscle is unlike muscle cookie's and is evenly distributed throughout his body
- [x] He loves sour jellies, he has some with him all the time
- [x] He is a dual sword user, much rather focusing on powerful offense to compliment his brothers defensive onset
- [x] He rarely gets compliments so it's easy to fluster him, but he gets mad when he knows someone's trying to do it willingly
- [x] He's been stabbed in his midsection before and literally almost died
- [x] He's an ambush cookie and his skill is called 'Onslaught of the Church' 

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