Yoahi Meo

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basic info -

name ; Yohai Meo
name pronunciation ; Yow-high Me-oh
nickname(s) ; Yoyo (term of endearment from Cater), Lion fish (Floyd and his silly nicknames), Monsieur Amant de sang (Rook, Sir Blood lover)

age ; 18
birthday ; October 31st

homeland ; Romania

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him
sexuality ; Homosexual

species ; Vampire

appearance -

hair color ; Bleached a dirty blond with dark brown roots
hairstyle ; Short locs that end just above his eyes in the front, are longer in the back and end at the start of his spine

skin color ; Dark brown, raw umber
eye color ; Golden brown

additional feature(s) ; Two moles on his face, one level with the bottom of his ears on his left cheek and one right below his right eyes, four sets of sharp canine teeth

visual ; Blasian Denji edit made by @/kissbaizhu on Pinterest

visual ; Blasian Denji edit made by @/kissbaizhu on Pinterest

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character -

main traits ; Quicker thinker, short tempered, tired
personality ; Yohai is sarcastic, laid back, and Epistemophilic

Yohai is incredibly smart for his age, mainly regarding his homeland and now the world of Twisted Wonderland. He doesn't like being sarcastic, as often enough people will confuse his sarcasm voice with his regular voice, which have no differences in actuality. Yet he can't help but let out snarky comments here and there when someone asks him something dumb or something you'd know with common sense. It's almost natural for him to be sarcastic when it comes to questions or phrases he finds stupid.

Because of his aforementioned knowledge, Yohai was used to knowing everything about anything while in school. He always slept, slacked off, did everything but his work as he knew he could get perfect scores by just attempting everything before bed. He got used to this advantage and now is seen most days just lazing about his dorm or sleeping in random places. Even with all this new information and an entirely new world at his fingertips, he still maintains this laidback personality trait of his.

What do you call someone who has a love of knowledge? Well, an Epistemophile! His ease of learning caused him to grow quite bored of everyday information being taught at school, so he developed a love of learning beyond his age. He loves taking in new information from anywhere, especially subjects he hasn't mastered yet. The Twisted Wonderland is a wondrous melting pot of new cultures and ideologie that Yohai can't wait to learn. Previously bored of his life and boundless knowledge, this new world has sparked a flame inside his epistemophilic heart.

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