Kazahana Izanagi

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FANDOM: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba

basic info

name ; Kazahana Izanagi

name meaning ; Kazahana is the Japanese translation for the words "Snow flurry". Izanagi is the Japanese name for the first male, the god of all creations.

nicknames and meanings ; Kaza, just the first part of his name. Or Okami which is the deity of Rain and Snow

gender and pronouns ; Male, He/Him

date of birth ; December 6th

age ; 24

Occupation ; Demon slayer, Hashira of Winter

zodiacs and meaning ; Sagittarius ♐️ Independent and strong-willed, Sagittarius personalities are all about going off the beaten path. Sagittarius isn't afraid to step away from the pack, and is a natural born leader who goes after what he or she wants, regardless of what other people think. Sagittarius is a born adventurer, and loves solo travel and exploration. Sagittarius also loves exploring the inner workings of their minds, and love stretching their horizons through a good book

nationality ; Japanese

species ; Human


Height ; 6'3Weight ; 164 lbs

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Height ; 6'3
Weight ; 164 lbs

Hair color ; platinum blond
Hairstyle ; down, shaggy and straight
Hair length ; 16"

Skin color ; pale, almost Eggshell White
Eye color ; Ice blue

Additional Facial features ; tattoo on the left side of his face
Body description ; Kazahana stands at 6'3 tall, weighing 164 lbs. He's fairly tall for someone in this time period. He has a rather large frame, similar to Uzui. He has pale, almost eggshell White skin and naturally rosy cheeks. The tip of his nose and his lips are a soft pink. He had ice blue eyes with white pupils.
Additional feature ; N/A

Uniform ; a yellowish brown demon slayer uniform. A navy blue fur coat

fighting information

ability ; Breath of Winter
attacks / forms ;
Form one- Raging snowstorm
Form two- Snow flurry
Form three- Thousand banks of Snow
Form four- Icicle Ring
Form five- Fleeting Freeze
Form six- Ice through the body
Form seven- Snowflakes touch
Form eight- Hibernation at last
Form nine- Tyrant Glacier
Form ten- Winters last kiss

strengths ; Cold climates, brute strength, hand to hand combat, martial arts, maneuvering in snow, agility
weaknesses ; hot climates, stealth, cooperation

stats ;
strength - 9/10
power - 9/10
speed - 7/10
agility - 8/10
cooperation - 3/10
technique - 7/10
intelligence - 9/10
total - 52/70


Sword type ; a Chinese Dao sword
Sword colour ; pale blue, almost white

Guard shape/colour ; the guard is the shape of a snowflake and is ice blue
Grip colour ; dark blue
Scabbard colour ; pale blue

Dual weirder? ; yes

Extra ; he uses small knives as well


general personality ; Kazahana is a sorta aloof character. Growing up in the mountains away from people, he never really gained social skills. His quiet default and resting bitch face always make it look like he's upset. Though it's quite the opposite as he rarely gets mad. He displays an intimidating aura and rather overwhelming presence. He's more of a gentle giant then people know, often trying his best to let people know he's not worth being afraid of. He cares heavily for his few friends and is quite open around them. When around someone like Inosuke or uzui, he finds it easy to let loose and be himself. He's quite the feral man, not as much as Inosuke but he did grow up in a mountain, unsupervised and alone.

habits ; biting his lip, playing with his hair

fears ; failing someone in need of saving

soft spots / vulnerability ; dogs and kids. They always make his heart melt and he would do anything for the

aggression levels ; slim to none. He is very hard to anger and doesn't seem easy to provoke

background ; Kazahana was born December 6th in a shrine at the base of a snowy mountain. Afraid of the gods wrath for something so unforgiving, his parents left him for dead as an offering to the gods. He had almost no chance of survival, he really should've died. A woman, named Izanagi found him. She assumed he was blessed by the gods, having survived for so long in this harsh storm. In order to please them ad help the child survive, she took the child, taking him to her home at the top of the mountain. There she raised him till he was a small boy. At seven she would let him roam freely as long as he returned. He spent most of his time exploring the mountain and woods, causing his resting body temperature to drop and become more accustomed to cold weather. At ten he was sent to a village to buy more supplies for the seasons. There he met an old man, an old demon slayer. While he was there, he made time to listen to the old mans tales. He found out about the final selection once he was 15. The old man granted him an old Nichirin sword and asked him to carry out his legacy. Kazahana created the breath of winter, bridging from water breathing, in order to carry out the old mans tales. He complete the final selection at 16 and returned to the village to tell the man. That man is his father figure and everything he's doing is the spread the same protection that man spread. At 20 he became the winter Hashira, having killed one lower Moon and 54 demons.

parents / interaction ; N/A
siblings / interaction ; N/A
relatives / interaction ; N/A
Guardian / interaction ; Sauoka Izanagi, adoptive mother. Kazahana loves this woman and appreciates her for saving his life when he was a baby.

love interest 1 / interaction ; Rengoku Kyojuro. Their clashing breathing styles make for good sparring. They spar a lot and that leads to them getting to know more about each other.
love interest 2 / interaction ; Shinazugawa Sanemi. He's very much a pushover for this man and that makes it easier for them to work together. Often getting paired on missions.

best friend / interaction ; N/A

trivia ;
- he wants Inosuke as his Tsugoku
- he loves creme mochi
- he gets fevers easily

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