Tatsumi Enomoto

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basic info

name ; Tatsumi Enomoto
name meaning ; Tatsumi's name is spelt with the following kanji 竜美 . 竜 means "dragon",
美 means "light". His last name, Enomoto, is spelt with the following kanji 榎本 . 榎 meaning "lotus tree, nettle tree, hackberry", 本 meaning "book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things".
name pronunciation ; Tat-Soo-Me Ee-No-Mow-Tow
nickname(s)/alias ; Sumi, Crimson Hashira, Blood Hashira, Tatoe

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him

date of birth ; December 7th
age ; 15

zodiac sign ; Sagittarius

occupation ; Demon slayer corps, Hashira rank

birth country ; Japan

species ; Human


height ; 5'6
weight ; 170 lbs

hair color ; Pink and yellow
hairstyle ; Tatsumi's hair is mainly straight with a  bit of curve. He has bangs that reach to about his eyebrows and it's cut messily to be out of his eyes. His hair frames his face and curls in on his cheeks. It's layered much like Rengoku's. The back of his hair is messy and often unbrushed, it ends just below his jawline. From where his hair parts in the center to just above his ears he has two cowlicks and they look like little devil horns. On his bangs and the area that frame his face is yellow tips. All natural.

skin color ; Light beige
eye color ; Amber yellow

additional feature(s) ; Tatsumi has circular eyebrows with small points that turn outwards. His pupils are much like a cats slit, and he has sharper canines with an extra pair of them. Because of these features he's often confused for a demon.

body description ; Tatsumi's body can be described as stocky . While he's taller then average for someone his age, his muscle makes him look like he should be a bit taller. Tatsumi's body easily puts on muscle and so he's a bit thicker than most, along with his slightly chubby stomach. He stands at 5'6 and holds his head high. His unnatural hair and eye colour often have people turning heads and seeing this unit of a teenager.

uniform description ; Tatsumi has an altered uniform. Much like Uzui and Sanemi, Tatsumi has a sleeveless uniform top. It tucks into his pants which are the usual demon slayer pants but with the outer side cut out starting at his hip until just above his knee. He does wear a layer of shorts under but they're wrapped with bandages.

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