Sovereign Van Evening

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basic info -

name ; Sovereign Van Evening
name pronunciation ; So-ver-in Van Eve-ning
nickname(s) ; N/A

age ; 18
birthday ; August 1st
zodiac ; Leo

homeland ; Land of Pyroxene, Harveston

gender and pronouns ; Male, he/him
sexuality ; Homosexual

species ; Human

appearance -

height ; 5'8
weight ; 180 lbs

hair color ; White fading to silver
hairstyle ; Messily parted into three sections in front of his face, messy everywhere else, unkempt

skin color ; Pale beige
eye color ; White

additional feature(s) ; Shark like teeth, his pupils are white as well giving the appearance that he has no pupils or iris
additional uniform modifications ; leg and arm warmers

visual ;

character -

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character -

main traits ; Assertive, brash, challenging, and determined
flaws ; Loud, stubborn, belligerent and crass
personality ; Sovereign is assertive, stubborn, and determined.

Born into a no nonsense type of household that also relied heavily on work from its children, Sovereign always responded to assertiveness and firm teaching. Being the first born son, Sovereign was whipped into shape so that he could set an example for his siblings that would come to follow. Because of this, Sovereign himself tends to be as assertive as his folks if he ever gets in a really serious mindset. This is mainly angled towards things like sports and exams, and it doesn't really come out that much.

Sovereign is used to having the final say in things, being someone people would look to for directions and have faith in how he does things. He often gets stuck in the mindset that he's thinking of the right way to do things and that no one else could possibly say that he was doing it wrong. His stubbornness often gets him into trouble with the teachers and his classmates, should they assign any group work. He won't back down from his way unless he is presented with hard evidence that it's not right. And even then it still takes a bit of time.

Being determined, having tenacity, is the reason Sovereign got sorted into Pomefiore. His hard work from a younger age has always had an end goal in sight and it also brings his stubbornness into play. When Sovereign sets his mind on something it's hard to change his mind about it. He'll get caught up in completing whatever task he was stuck on, or helping someone who asked for it. Even if he's met with failure, that doesn't stop him. He'll keep trying and trying until he either tires himself out or he succeeds. It would border on obsession if he didn't know when to give up.

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