Chapter 4: Wipe That Love-Struck Smile Of Your Face (pt. 2)

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Lia's POV:-

"Isn't it a little too early, to start feeling me up?"

I feel Luke's lips on my eyes. "How come you're so soft?" his hand slowly glides up my spine.

"Luke," I complain, opening one eye sleepily. "It's still dark outside. Come back to sleep," I put out my hand, and put his face in my neck. He moves my hair away, and presses his mouth to the side of my neck.

"I'm going for a run. Come with me," his teeth grazes my neck. I moan softly.

"Lia wake up." His voice is a cajoling whisper. I stubbornly shake my head no, persistent to go back to sleep. His teeth graze my jaw, immediately replaced by soft wet kisses.

"I'll be doing push-ups by the lake," he tempts me. I breathe out irritated, and open my eyes. Momentarily I forget what was going on, and just stare. Luke, bare chest, hair ruffled, bright green eyes, pink mouth curled into an triumphant smile. 

"You can do push-ups over me," I suggest. He grins and slowly shakes his head. I scowl. He knows, I get all raunchy and excited when he does push-ups. 

"Afterwards, we can shower together like you said," his heavy voice, rumbles through me. "I will lather soap from here," he starts at the bottom of my thighs, "to here," he spreads his hands over my butt, "then here," he's licking my earlobe and stroking my waist, "and my favorite. Here," his thumbs nudging my nipple.

He observes my face amused. I must probably looking like I'm about to get a cardiac arrest. "But we'll run first," he says innocently.

"You are such a pain," I grumble looking at ceiling.

 "What are you thinking?" he asks after a while.

"That I've got to pee," I blurt out. Why am I so sexy?

"I was hoping for a more kinkier thought, but go ahead," he bumps his hip with me. 

"I'm using your toothbrush," I inform, disappearing into the bathroom. I quickly freshen up, and use his comb to brush out my hair, and neatly braid it this time. Luke was lying on the bed, hands crossed behind his head.

"Hey, get your lazy ass up," I throw a towel at him. He catches it, and gets up, slapping my ass on his way. I clip on my bra, and put on Luke's hoodie over my head because it's chilly in the morning. 

I'm all done, by the time Luke comes out of the bathroom. Like a lecherous creep, I watch Luke put on a sweatpants over his boxers. I bite my lip at the taut muscles of his thighs. He puts on a white tshirt, and straps on his sports watch.

"Ready?" I ask standing up. He nods, and takes my hand. 

I don't know whether it's the city, or the way Luke showed me the city, but I fell in love with it. Luke showed me all his favorite spots, ordinary spots that weren't worth sightseeing the other day. He showed me his favorite café, the library he visits, the tree under which he would read his books. I memorized it all, feeling like his special someone with whom he can share anything. And I love being that special someone. All cheesiness and cringe aside. 

"This is where I come, to gawk at pretty girls," he says stopping in front of the lake, where girls in boy shorts and tight tanks, were doing hamstring stretches. I pinch his arm, then punch it.

"Sorry sorry," he laughs. "I'm just kidding. I usually spend my early mornings, working on my codes."

"This is such a lovely place," I say breathing in the fresh air. I don't understand how Luke stays cooped up in his room. If it was me, I'd be out in the sun everyday.

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