Chapter 7: I Enjoyed That, But Can We Go More Savage?

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Luke's POV:-

Mhmm.. Toasty warm..

That's my first thought, as I wake up. I press myself closer to Lia's hot body. The weather was boiling, so we had set the air conditioning to maximum. It got so cold, that we ended up taking out blankets, and curling into each other. Lia is evenly breathing, unaware of my adoring stare. Unable to resist I caress her cheek, continuing to brush my fingers through her tangled hair, slipping it under her camisole to trace her spine. She shivers, clawing my chest. 

"Is it time to get up already?" Lia groggily complains, ducking her head under my arm. 

"It's your first day baby," I remind her. Her head comes up, along with a shy smile. "I'm going to college," she says with a dorky grin. Her happiness is infectious. "I'm so, very, proud of you," I squeeze her tightly. 

"Oh yeah," she moans, enjoying the closeness. "Did it rain?" she asks, when I release her. I nod. The sky was still grey, and rumbling outside.

"Good, I'll wear your present," she notes.

"Okay," I rub my thumb against her dimple. As a congratulations present, I had bought Lia a pair of grey suede, knee high boots. Lia has always had an obsession for footwear (not that she ever admits), so she was extremely pleased by my present. Her gift, that she gave me when I moved to college, was safely resting in my cupboard. It's an oxford shirt, perfect fit, very comfortable.

"I'm going to get ready," she climbs over me, to go to bathroom. I stretch and then get up, to go make some coffee. By the time I have brought the mail, and brewed some coffee Lia is done with her shower.

 "Woohoo, are those normal clothes or what? Where's the t-shirt with 'M-Y-O-Fucking-B'," I place her coffee on the table. She laughs at me through her reflection, combing her hair. She's really grown in three years. Her body has become more defined, which I had carefully and thoroughly examined in the past two days. She's grown taller, and her face gained more precision. Like a sharper nose, and a more graceful neck. 

"New place, new beginning, new me. I look good though, right?" she puts away the comb, sipping her coffee. She's wearing one of those oversized, knit sweater, that stopped above the knees. The grey boots totally complete her look. I have never payed attention, to how girls dress. But with Lia, it's all about discovering new ways to admire her. Somedays, I am fascinated at how the fabric stretches across her chest, and the other days I am admiring her hips that perfectly balance her skinny jeans.

 I hug her from behind, "Everything looks beautiful on you."

"Wait, I feel too dull," she squints, shrewdly studying her reflection. "I need some colors." She puts on many colorful bangles, a blue eyeliner, and rose pink lipstick. 

"If I didn't know, how much you love me, I'll be worried," I kiss her hair. Her eyes brighten, and a soft blush covers her face, telling me she's pleased at my response. I take my turn with the bathroom, and quickly shower. I don't have class for another hour, but I want to drop off Lia.

"Baby, I'm going."

"Wait, wait. I'm done," I stumble out of the room, buttoning my shirt.

"Luke, I'll take the bus. The stand is right next corner," Lia rolls her eyes. I run a comb through my hair, and pull on socks. "Just give me a sec," I tell her running into the kitchen, to get a protein drink.

"You ate breakfast, right?" I ask, putting on shoes, while Lia locked the apartment. I had showed her yesterday, where all the cereal boxes were.

"I'm running late. Plus, I don't feel hungry," she adds quickly, on seeing my concerned face. 

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