Chapter 8: Watching The Blue Lagoon, Has Its Perks

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Lia's POV:-

"Lia, let it be. Luke will curse me. And I myself, will feel bad for interrupting-"

"Oh shut it. It's just a lunch. There's nothing, to feel bad about," I wave Katie off. "And Luke wouldn't mind. I know that for sure."

"Still... He's intimidating," she admits nervously. "Like, a very pretty boy, with cold exterior, and the perfect set of white teeth."

"Teeth?" I snort. "Katie, he's just an introvert, and remains taciturn. You don't have to talk to him, if you don't want. I'll manage everything. Now come on, I'm hungry!" She reluctantly gives in.

Yes everybody, me and Katie, have become decent friends. On my first day to college, I sat beside this girl, who had to comment on everything. My paper thin patience wore out, when she said, "That's our Designing professor. And he's trans... Our trans teacher." Even the way she said her comments piqued me, like she was trying to provoke me into a hateful conversation.

"She's our teacher. That will do, in the future," I reply, with a clipped smile.

"Yeah, yeah, but he's trans," she continued conspiratorially.

"Dude, it's not something to point out separately. And she's a woman. Leave it at that." My irritated snap, mercifully shut her up. So if you imagine my situation, you will understand why I grasped onto, what looked like, the only tolerable chick, i.e. Katie. Because I know myself. I've been with myself all my life, and I'll really be needing somebody, who's going to remind me of assignment deadlines. I can't charm boys into, following me around like a pet anymore, because I have a damn boyfriend.

Whom, I love very much.

Katie, though not very bright intellectually, was basically a good person. She sometimes doesn't get my sarcasm, yet faithfully reports to me every morning. I didn't mind, as long as I have a companion to roam around with, who didn't make inappropriate comments.

"Luke, Katie will be joining us," I tell Luke as we approach his car. "That's okay right?" Luke and I, were in the habit of lunching together whenever our schedules allowed it. 

"Yeah sure," he shrugs, solemnly nodding at Katie. She gives him a weak smile.

"She's a little upset, cause our lecturer shouted at her for snoozing," I whisper to Luke, as Katie shuffles through her bag. "Couldn't just-"

"Baby, it's okay," he smiles softly, taking my bag. "Where do you ladies want to go?" he asks us both.

"Katie pick," I prompt her, so she doesn't feel left out. She gulps, still nervous and avoids Luke's eye contact. I look at her encouragingly.

She thinks for a moment, then says, "That French restaurant, that has dishes name that we can't pronounce."

"Brilliant," I cheer. The restaurant was in walking distance, so we set off on our pegs.

Luke was content in holding my hand, while I talked to Katie. She looked relieved, that she didn't have to converse with Luke, who was totally oblivious to her nervousness, making no attempts to extend acquaintance. I sigh thinking, how things are going to be this way.


Luke is sitting on the bed, intently typing into his laptop, when I enter the bedroom. Weirdly, I have started enjoying the sound of keyboard strokes. Many times, I fall asleep beside Luke, as he worked on his laptop, so I think the sounds must have worked its way, into the happier sections of my brain.

He stops typing, when I close the door, glances at me, glances at the coffee mug in my hand, and puts out his hand. I hand him the coffee mug, pat his head, and go to my side of the bed.

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