Chapter 2: "So Does That Mean, We'll Do It Like Softcore Porn?"

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Lia's POV:-

"Mom no, let her be," Luke says pushing me behind him, as if to protect me from Jane.

"Luke just let me ask her," Jane rolls her eyes. 

"What? Ask me what?" I ask, poking my head out from Luke's arm. 

"Sweetheart my Ladies Club is having a party. And we all are supposed to bring a volunteer, preferably a teenager. Heather's bringing Ivy, and I can't find anyone. Would you mind helping me out?"

"By party you mean, elegant tea thingey with posh gowns and hats?" I quiz.

"Not exactly... But I need you for just 15 minutes. Then you can leave," Jane assures me.

"No, she doesn't want to go," Luke buts in. "Mom, don't corner her. Why would Lia want to go t-"

"I'll go," I confirm. "It's 15 minutes. I could act like a lady for 15 minutes," I shrug at Luke's concerned face. 

"Lia, I love you!" Jane hugs me. "I promise, if I can I'll free you in 10 minutes."

"Mom, I am here just for the weekend," Luke groans. "It's already very little time, without you hogging my girlfriend."

"Calm down Romeo!" Jane snaps, making me bite back a laugh. "It's just 15 minutes tops. Then you both can go gallivanting again."

"Jane, do I need to buy a floral dress with cashmere sweater?" I ask, before Luke started arguing back.

"Oh no," she waves off. "Wear whatever you want," she assures going back to the kitchen. Luke would drive back every weekend he could. He had classes for four days, and one day for lab and practicals. If he was lucky and their teacher wasn't in the mood, he would let everyone go and he would stay with us for three days. Luke would spend the day with his parents, and at night we would sneak around to make up for the time apart. In simpler words, screw each other till we blacked out.

We both would talk every day. Usually it's just me chattering away and Luke urging me to keep talking. He was renting a flat along with another guy. He was senior to Luke, and according to my boyfriend rarely stayed in. So Luke was content, having a quiet place to himself. 

"Luke, I don't want to stick out like dead weed," I tell him as we go outside. "You need to help me. Jane was being polite, but you can be honest."

Luke sighs, "You are right. You can't be yourself. No boots, or metal jewellery."



"Baby, you look...." Luke trails off, leaning against the doorframe.

"Yes?" I urge, looking expectantly.

"You look different," he frowns. I was wearing a floral pleated skirt, with a white crop top and cream colored heels. I had straightened my hair, and limited myself to a thin bangle on the wrist. Decent and not too retro.

"Gee thanks," I say sarcastically. Luke shakes his head smiling. "You look beautiful. Like an innocent angel," he says coming closer to me. "Not like the badass devil, that exhausts me at nights," he whispers kissing my ear.

"So does that mean, after this party we'll do it like softcore porn?" I ask. "You bet," he grins. 

"Lia! You look pretty," Jane gushes, coming outside.

"So do you," I say in wonder. "I love your dress." She was wearing a dark blue wrap dress, with maroon heels.

"Thanks," she smiles, smoothening it out. "Luther got it for me," she says shyly. 

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