Chapter 5: "Do I Whistle Too Loud When I Pee?"

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Lia's POV:-

"Damn. I'm surprised you are still with Dylan," I grin, watching Julian in Dylan's jeans. "Usually by now, you get dumped and whine about cocks."

"I'm surprising?" Julian asks in disbelief. "What about you, Ms. Different-Guy-Every-Week. Not only are you in a serious relationship, you're in a long-distance relationship. And you've lasted almost three years."

I smile nervously, "It hasn't been three years."

"Bitch, I helped you choose your teddy for your three year anniversary. Don't fool me," he smacks my head.

"Hey, you made me go shopping with Dylan, so I could coax him to buy that weird underwear," I say defensively.

"Quiet down," Julian scolds angrily. "He's sleeping in my room. He still doesn't know I made you do it."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

"So, still no luck with Luke?" he asks sympathetically.

"No, but today is the closing ceremony. Hence, he'll be calling me any moment now," I shrug. 

Luke's college had a cultural fest. Basically something where Seniors drink and boss around, while Juniors and Freshers obeyed. It was also something for everyone to socialize. Luke immensely hated it, but had no choice. 

We haven't video-called in six days, and he can barely stay for 10 minutes on the phone before he's called to tie up the banner, or to type out names in the computer. We fell in the habit of texting, like old times. Most of his texts had me cackling. Some of them were:

-I'm so sick and tired of being called pretty boy. Can you come over and make me feel all macho and manly again? I am craving for your sweet tushie.

-I was photoshopping Nina Dobrev's face on a cheerleader's body (don't ask me. These are actual things they're making me do). But I noticed you two have the same nose. And it's been five hours and I'm still getting haunted by your face. Please, I goddamn miss you.

-It's fucking crazy here, and I think you'll love it, and I really, really, need someone to get me through this. What can I do to tempt you to come here?

-A girl just pressed her boobs against my back. Can I finally expect you? Her name's Pepper, she's 5'6'' I think. Feel free to do whatever you want. I won't stop you. I just really need to see you in person.

His last text had earned him a paragraph of violent text, and another paragraph of me crying how I can't visit cause my periodic tests are going on. It's my last year before I finally enroll into a college. Julian and I have become serious. Well, as much as we could try to be.

Last time Luke visited was his semester break. He's much more lean now, which makes him look taller. Jane had a permanent frown plastered to her forehead, because of Luke's disregard to his health. 

"You've lost weight," I had frowned, when he climbed over me that night. Luke just grinned crookedly in the dark and responded with, "Is this how we are measuring weights now? Fine by me." And leaned down further until all air left my body. 

That was actually the last we saw of Luke. Tech Fests, Cultural Fests flowed in and he got smooshed into it. And now it's been, two and a half bloody month, with no Luke. Now you must be thinking it's just two months Natalia, powder your ass with ice. But fuck no. 

I lured Luke into downloading SnapChat. So we send each other dumbass snaps all day. Previous week, after I caught myself staring at a snap of, Luke's socked feet at the windowsill for half an hour, I realized I missed him too much. He's ruined me for other guys. I see boys at parties flexing their muscles at me, smirking, winking, making lewd tongue motions at me and I feel nothing.  

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