Chapter 6: "I Have A Rabid Dog, Named Julian"

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Lia's POV:-

"Your left tit, is bigger than your right tit," Julian notes.

"Just like your left ball is bigger than your right ball?" I retort, opening the fridge to get a soda.

"Shuddup. I'm serious here," Julian rolls his eyes.

"Well that maybe, because of this," I take out a bundle of notes from my bra, looking every bit like a classy hooker. One thing is storing few bills over your nipples, whole another thing to store a wad of cash. "Here's rent for this month." Julian puts the cash into his pocket.

"Still doesn't explain your, booby money," he points out.

"Oh, that's cause I was out running and dropped at the ATM on my way. And the damn machine gave me small bills, so I couldn't fit it all in my pocket."

"Well this ought to be one of your last rents, considering you got into Berkeley," he shrugs. I freeze in my chair.

"I got.. You said.. Hold on- What!" I snap.

"What?" he asks blankly.

"D-did.. Did you just say, I got into Berkeley?" my voice is getting hoarse.

"Maybe." Julian casually sips water.

"Julian, I'm two seconds away from peeing my pants," I warn. "Don't fucking kid me."

"Alright. You got into Berkeley," he admits smiling widely. "They sent your acceptance form today."

"Son of a bitch," I whisper astound. "They really took me in."

Julian digs into his pocket, "Here."

I blink. "What is this?" I hold the two pieces of paper in my hand.

"Stupid girl," Julian laughs. "Put your hands together silly." And he brings my hands closer, and the heading 'Acceptance Form' comes into view. "You're welcome," he grins and pokes my nose.

I put the letter, well, two pieces of paper down. "Julian, why do I have to put my hands together, to read the letter?" I ask as calmly, as I could. "Why can't I read it using one hand, like I usually do."

"It was how it came," he explains. "Perhaps these Berkeley people, have some new system- Alright, I tore it in excitement okay?!" he says flustered. "I'm sorry," he yells.

"You tore it?!" I growl. "Why the fuck would you even open it?" 

"I was trying to surprise you," he says defensively. "And I knew how hard you worked for this college. I was scared, that you'll get a stroke just by seeing a letter, with 'Berkeley' on it. So I was just trying to ease some anxiety."

"In the worst possible way!" I shout. Julian quietly sulks, while I put together the paper, and carefully drink in every word.

"I'll be damned," I laugh. "I'm actually going to become an architect."

"What else did you have in mind?" Julian mutters, meekly scratching the corner of the table.

"Well, I'll for sure be a murderer, if they reject this letter," I wave it in the air. "But otherwise, I would've pursed modeling."

"Congratulations," he grins happily.

"Don't fucking 'Congratulations' me," I snap. "Help me fix this letter."

Luke didn't at all seem surprised, when I told him. "It had to happen," was his response. But when the topic of moving in came up, he got all goofy and excited. I spent two hours, watching my laptop screen amused, as Luke jumped around in his room, explaining what all he'll shift and how we can use both the rooms.

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