Chapter 9: If Yours Isn't Wooden Enough, You Are Welcome To Touch My Wood

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Lia's POV:-


"I know," Luke smiles, from beside me. I hug his hand, and lean against him taking in the gorgeous view of valley. We were at higher altitude, so the river that trickled between it looked like a stream. Standing at roadside, under the tall trees, smelling fresh air and tree bark, made me squeeze Luke's hand even more tightly.

"I wish, we were ducks by the river," Luke secretly tells me. "We would wake up, take a swim in the river, eat worms, clean each others feathers. No worries in life."

"Except, that a cat would catch us, or worse humans will take us. And then we'll be roasted on a barbeque naked, with spices and lemon juice squirted over our butts," I snort. He stills at the vivid imagery, then grumbles, "Why do you have to ruin everything."

"Baby, I'm the splash of reality in your life," I grin wider. He gives a petulant look, and bites my shoulder making me laugh.

Our moment, was toasted by Alex. "Hey lovebirds! Stop smooching, and put your asses to work!"

I crossly turn around, to give him a piece of my mind. But Luke puts an arm around my waist, to hold me back. "We were just looking for a rock, Alex," he replied, keeping a firm hand on me.

"You definitely wouldn't find one, in her mouth Luke," Ian laughs, as he rolled away the tyre. Our trip, got a terrific start when Dylan drove over something that pierced into the rubber tyre.

"Mind if I borrow her for a sec?" Julian, jumps before us as we near the group, and pulls me away before we could react.

"Lia, I got a proposal from Shawn," Julian whispers excitedly. I sneak a cautious glance, at the guys who were working over the car.

"Julian, I don't think cheating is wise. Because I like Dylan, and you won't find anyone else to love your sorry ass, as much as he-"

"What? No! Shut up Lenny," he laughs uncomfortably. "I'm not going to cheat on Dylan. I was just wondering," he shifts nervously. "What would happen, if I say yes. Would Dylan find out? Would he be too mad?" he bites his nail, looking at my reaction.

"Yes, he would find out," I chide. "These things never stay hidden. And Dylan would raise hell, and kill that Shinden dude."

"Shawn," Julian says lamely. "But I won't be cheating."

"You are basically cheating, if you are sexting with him," I point out.

"No. No, sexting," Julian promises. "I always kept it clean."

"Yeah well, finish it you idiot. Block him, before things get out of hand," I advice sagely.

"You're right," he admits sullenly. I quietly watch his reluctant presses over the phone.

"Julian, why on earth would you think something like that? Is everything okay between you two?"

"Yes it's fine... Don't look at me like that! Bitch, I tell you everything," he cries defensively, when I squint my eyes at him. "It's just that, I found it very flattering. And it's been so long since, someone tried to hit on me."

"Julian, trust me, even I wouldn't approach you on normal days. Dylan looks at you very possessively. And you both make it clear as day that you are dating, with all the kissing and touching."

"Touching is the best," Julian chuckles, still looking a little upset. "Forget this ever happened," I kindly hug him. "You and Dylan are good." He nods obediently.

"Lia who do you think max would marry?" Ian asks, when I park my ass next to the Rover. Alex had conveniently borrowed one of his father's SUV, the very beautiful Range Rover Discovery Sport, that cozily fit us all in.

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