Chapter 14 - Inside The Jinx

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Clair's POV:

"Welp, guess there's no turning back now...." I just shrugged it all off and continued with the mission.

I really have no idea what's gotten in enya to just throw both of us here.

"We have little time clair, it's best if we take care of this as soon as possible" light interrupted me.

We soon entered the body of the curse, everything was pitch black and almost blocking my vision, but suddenly, light began to release a bright aura.

I kinda laughed at the fact that he is a total flashlight now tha he's beaming with a high energy light.

"Whoa, so this is what second verses jinxes looks like, never seen it's interior before" I said.

"I've never seen any type of jinx like this before" said light who was next to me.

"I knew your life was boring"

"Excuse me?" I quickly closed my mouth and forced myself to stop laughing.

"Where could that be, it's impossible for us to not find it since we're being surrounded by it's curse...." I thought.

"This can't be another replica right? It's extending itself too much"

We kept on searching when I noticed something staring back at me.

In front of us is a dark abyss, abyss in which not even the immortals can enter.

Curious as I am always, I decided to walk even closer, I feel like something bad was going to get me but I still kept on going.

I only heard light who was shouting at me, stopping me from getting any closer, it feels like it's pulling me using an unseen force.

As I kept getting closer and closer, I heard the weep, of cursed souls, souls that were tormented and will be tortured for eternity.

There were cryings, and begging for help, it feels like a gateway to the terrain beneath.

Suddenly an energy beam came behind me which made me realize what I'm doing and brought my sensed back.

"Clair! You musn't let the darkness consume you!" He rushed over me and began to shake my body over and over.

"Okay I get it I get it!" Him shaking me made my head spin around.

"Good, now we have to-ARGH!" light was suddenly punched in his stomach.

"Light! Are you okay!" I rushed over but he was being dragger around the place and being slammed again and again.

"Light!" I got so furious and began to shoot constantly until the curse let him go.

"Light! Are you alright, I know you look terrible now but I'm just worried"

"I'm.... Fine" his last words were followed by a cough.

"This is getting us nowhere, we can't let it wander around for any longer!"

"But clair, we don't have any options left, what can we do now?" Light's question gave clair an idea.

"I have a perfect one...." In which she smirked.

"If this curse thinks we're about to give up, well think again because we're just getting started"

"What are you planning clair"

"Light, can you create a large energy of luminance?"

"I can, but that type of energy wouldnt be enough" he soon stood up next to me.

"Who said you're doing it all alone?" This idea of clair really fumbled light's mind.

-- A few minutes ago --

Enya's POV:

I was able to send clair and light inside the curse, although it made me feel bad for not even giving them any time to prepare.

Jacob helped me stood up straight since that energy that went inside my body really damaged me, but I'm kind of feeling better now.

"What should we do next enya?" Asked jacob.

I looked over him and smiled.

"Let's just help the people here who needs medical attention"

Jacob agreed with my idea.

I insisted and said he could let me go, he wasn't sure since he noticed my way of walking was too wobbly and still shakes, I just told him I'm fine.

I soon interviewed the werewolves and other kind monsters if they were feeling any type of pains or any injuries.

Most of them were fine, I noticed jacob also doing the same thing, and seeing him happy with his family made me feel happy. Such a wonderful family.

Suddenly I noticed behind me another beam was released from the exact position on where the curse is.

Except this one it's a fusion between both light and dark.

It created a powerful pulse that sucked the entire black energy and exploded in the air.

Everyone gasped and some others screamed thinking that it might hurt them but the next thing we saw was everything was back the way on what they used to be.

It still left some minor damage to the other buildings but finally we, I mean clair and light were able to stop the curse before it's too late.

I rushed over and saw clair and light on the ground, all of their energy drained from the enormous power they just conjured.

"Clair! Light! You did it!" I both embraced them so hard.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

After giving them some time to rest, we soon made our way back to yosoge.

When we arrived back, all of the councilor and teachers were there, waiting for us...

And to put it all very clearly.....

They were not happy.

-- End --

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