Chapter 60 - 100 Years Ago

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3rd Person's POV:

"Well that was unexpected" mumbled the blonde boy as they all stared at the sky.

It was a blood moon, they can see sprinting wolves in the trees surrounding them yet none of them bothered the students.

"That's weird... How can jacob be not affected by the blood moon, looks exactly just like the same in yosoge" asked felix who was looking at jacob the entire time.

Enya rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.

Clair began to explain.

Clair: That's because the moon only affects the person that was born in this specific time, which means those who were born in the future.... Well it doesn't recognize them.

An "oh" sound came from felix's mouth.

Enya: Are you finished with all the lecturing? C'mon! We're in a middle of a mission, there's no time in encouraging felix's stupidity!

Enya groaned as he went on by himself, light and clair followed him.

Felix stood there, hurt in what enya said about him, he was used to enya's bitterness towards him, but he actually didn't expect to hear such a mean word in a spiteful tone.

He only took them as some sort of mockery but not as a fact, jacob patted the blonde boy's back as they all catched up with the rest.


As jacob and felix spotted the other three, they finally understood what was happening.

The village that they were standing on is in a middle of a deadly riot.

With wolves pouncing at the humans, gushes of blood spreading everywhere, all of them stood shock.

The other humans tried to fight back but soon their lives were taken away from them.

At this moment, enya couldn't think straight, his heart was pounding very fast, he doesn't know the cause of this attack, he doesn't understand what was going on.

Clair approached her best friend and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Clair: Enya, calm down we can't do anything right now, it might change the events of the future.

Enya: So what? Are you saying that we should leave these poor people dying and begging for mercy not to kill them?

Clair: YES! Enya! You know how it might affect our original time if we interfere with this war! We can't take the risk!

Clair gripped enya's shoulders tightly and shaked him for a moment.

Clair: I know you want to help, but remember, we only came here for one thing, and that is about your past! Understand?

Enya looked at clair in her eyes, he wasn't sure what to answer, in the middle of their fight, a wolf came out of nowhere and quickly pounced them.

Before the wolf could lay a claw on the two, it was blocked by Jacob's weapon and was kicked by light throwing it a few feet away from them.

Jacob: Guys, I don't think this is a good place to start an argument.

Light: I agree with jacob, we're in an open area, we should at least find a safe place if you want to talk first.... But be quick about i- ENYA!

Enya ran off of his friend's tight hold and didn't watch where he was going, he didn't understand what was happening to him, the people he saw and heard crying, it all felt familiar..... Too familiar.

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