Chapter 22 - Malicious Omen

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-- Present Day --

3rd Person's POV:

"We just got back to school and now I feel like we need two months of vacation" whined Felix who was stretching his arms and legs.

"What kind of test is that to make you climb mountains, see how fast you react on anything and just I want to complain more but even my head is complaining already" said Jacob who was as well stretching his body.

"Welp that's how it is on yosoge academy, if you can't do things such as those tests, then you're not fit to study here" clair joined in their conversation.

"I know right! Professor fox even made me do an exam in a place that i couldn't use my powers too!" Tempest also entered.

Felix: Where did you take your exam.

Tempest: in a place where you can't use wind.

Felix: even breathing?


Tempest: You know I'm nice in this state, but the other half of me really wants to remove the air out of you.

With her said statement jacob and felix cleared their throat and just waited for the teacher to arrive.

Clair: Nice one.

Tempest: Now I feel bad....


Clair: Great, he's back in his overprotective mode.

Erinys: I know which is why I borrowed a knife that I got from alasdair, so when I can't take it anymore, i will use this as a ticket to freedom.

Clair laughed at her even though she was serious.

Clair: that was kind of funny, but scary at the same time.

The teacher then finally appeared.

Professor fox: Good morning everyone, now before we begin, are there anyone that is not yet in class?

No response.

Professor Fox: Okay looks like you're all complete, now let- hey wait! Look outside.

Everyone gazed on their window and saw some type of ash falling from the sky.

Felix: It's snowing already?

Jacob: Cool.

Clair: That's not cool, what is that anyway.

Rea: are those? Ash clouds?

Light: It does have the appearance of what ash clouds look like.

Erinys: Wait what are ash clouds?

Jacob: Can we eat it?

Rea: No! These ashes are dangerous and poisonous.

Clair: Are you hungry right nos jacob?

Jacob: No, I just wanted to say something to contribute at least.

Clair: Well now I guess you can now shut up.

Jacob: M'kay.

Felix tried his best on not to laugh.

Professor fox immediately bolted out the room from unknown reasons..

Rea: How is that even possible? There's not a single volcano or a small one in sight.

Felix: maybe they just wanted to pay us for a visit.

Rea: they don't just appear like that in the air and just simply visits us felix.

Felix: I was joking sheesh, girl right here can't take a simple joke.

Clair: okay what is on with everyone today.

Alasdair: you're turned on too?

Clair: What?!

Alasdair: Nothing.

Alasdair looked away.

Rea: I guess it's best if we stay in our classroom.

Professor fox returned once more to the class.

Professor fox: everyone please form a line between girls and boys and follow me to the emergency room for an announcement.

Rea: Or maybe not.

When everyone finally formed a line, they soon headed to the emergency room where almost all the students were already there.

The higher-ups were all on the stage.

"Everyone settle down.....

It has come to our attention, that a malicious omen has fallen upon us...

We do not now yet the source of them but fear not for we are finding a way to return everything back to normal.

But for now, we think it's best if you all head to your dorms and houses this instant.

Everyone keep safe.

Clair: How is ash clouds a malicious omen?

Rea: No volcanoes in sight.

Felix: Invisible?

Alasdair: Are you sure you're not turned on clair.

Clair: get away from me alasdair and mind your own business.

Light: it's best if we all go home this instant.

Felix: Oh great! Now I can finally take a break.

Clair: see you guys again tomorrow or the next day, or the day after the next day or next week!

Once everyone was sent back home, all the teachers were called for a meeting.

"This omen... I can feel it lingering above us for weeks"

???: What do you think it's sign could be professor fox?

Professor fox: I too have no clue and not yet able to answer your question lady elegance, but what we need to focus on is the safety of our students.

Lady Elegance: They've been all sent home and already in a safe place professor fox.

"Ever since the students of 4S managed to defeat different kinds of monster, they must've gotten weakened"

"Are you saying we have to send them all once again?"

"If we have no choice then we must"

Professor Fox: Excuse me sir, but you know that this type of problem isn't fit for students, it must be handled by adults.

"I know that professor fox, but if this problem grows bigger and bigger, we have to do it.

But do not worry, as long as we are all together, we can seal these beasts once more.

Professor fox: I understand sir, but what about the wayward student of the 4S? Enya nightfall, I saw in his records that he is a strong one here in yosoge and grew here as well...

"What are you implying fox"

Professor Fox: I wanted to know sir if you're planning on sending him back.

"As much as we want to, we can't yet for he has to regret his previous actions and must learn from them, then he can return here once more...."

Professor fox: I understand....

"That's all... Meeting dismissed"

-- End --

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