OOAK Shorts #3 - Together Forever

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3rd Person's POV:

Clair and the others went to look for enya, he doesn't look okay in the past few days so the group began to worry.

They know that he's always dull in almost everything but not everytime, he barely smiles anymore.

Clair would always expect enya to crack jokes up but he kept himself silent.

Did they do something wrong?

Finally Jacob and felix managed to locate his whereabouts and decided to join him there.

Under the moonlight, they were guided, and soon they spotted enya, sitting next to a very beautiful peach tree that's been there for years.

As they got near enya he didn't bother to look behind him.

Felix: Hey bro... Is there a problem?

He asked as he slowly sat next to him.

Light: If you're worrying about something please do tell enya.

Clair: Something's off about you lately.

Jacob: Yeah, you're mostly hanging out with me and felix or your boyfriends, but now you're doing different things.

Felix: Like gazing on the moon.

Enya let out a faint chuckle that's barely audible to the others.

Enya: Nothing's wrong guys, it's just that.... Everytime we always have to face different problems... And what if one of those problems ends our lives?.... Ends my life.... Or even worse... Your lives.

The four next to him exchanged looks.

Clair: Are you..... Worried about us enya?

Enya: Yeah.... Why wouldn't I?

Clair's eyes widened.

Felix: You're worried? Wow.... That's strange...

Enya: What do you mean?

Jacob: it's just that... You're not the worrying type at all enya, you're more like a very savage person.... Who's also strong and brave.

Enya ignored his comment.

Light: Do not worry for such little things enya, we promise you we'll always stay by your side, no matter what happens.

Felix: Yeah! Plus we're super strong I can guarantee you right!

The whole group laughed at felix.

Felix: What's so funny?

Clair: Nothing, anyways, enya... You know that we don't let anything bad happen to us right? 

Enya: I know that but what if a time comes where I won't be able to save you? What if I suck at protecting you?

Felix: Are you kidding us enya? You're great at protecting us! Remember back in megado?

Light: I hate to agree on felix' statement but he's right, no matter how much you were reckless back there, you really showed us your true bravery.

Jacob: You were awesome back there.

Clair: See, everyone sees that you're a great protector and don't get the wrong idea but we don't need your protection, we can handle anything on our own so please stop worrying, you're only making us worry about you.

Enya smiled, a tear forming in his eyes.

Enya: I love you guys so much.

Clair: We love you too.

They all gave enya a big soft hug, jacob was the one who almost devoured them with his embrace due to his large physique.

Clair: No matter what happens.

Jacob: Whatever we encounter.

Felix: Whatever we face.

Light: We'll still be together forever.

-- End --

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