(13) Meet The Starks

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Three days later 

Kelsea had Abby meet her at Howard and Maria Stark's house. They were hosting a dinner for her. Tony greeted them all as he opened the door. 

Maria and Howard stood up when she came into the room. 

"Hi.." she said with a smile. 

"God, you look so much like your mother." Howard said 

Maria came over to her and hugged her. "Whose this?" Maria said as she saw Kyrie. 

She looked at Tony. "It's okay." He mouthed 

"This is my son. Kyrie Joseph Franklin." She said 

Howard came over to her. "You don't have to hide. Tony explained everything to us. We are just so glad to have you here." Howard said as he hugged her.

"Thank you. Um oh and this is my friend Abigail Carmichael and her husband Jason.. their son Hayden, and their daughters Jensen and Bryana. My two best friends/business partners Mary Jane Watson Peter Parker. Peter's Aunt May." She said 

"Nice to meet you all." Maria said 

"Kelsea where is your mother?" Howard said 

"Let's eat dad and she can tell us." Tony said 

"Okay." Maria said 

They all sat down at the dining room table. When they all began to eat Howard asked again. 

"Mom had a brain aneurysm that bursted while I was in class. I attended Columbia University and she died." She said 

"Sylvia was with me when it happened. Usually on Tuesdays we had lunch together she had been complaining of a migraine. I rushed her to the hospital when her speech started to slur and she passed out on the kitchen floor." May said 

Maria looked down as Howard went pale. "She's buried at the cemetery in Brooklyn." Kelsea said

"What about your dad?" Maria said 

"Oh he isn't in the picture he never was." She said 

The conversation turned back on her mother as they told her stories of how she was growing up. Kelsea got to see her mom's old room and pictures. She had a great night meeting her grandparents. 

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