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(They are on a break from tour for 3 weeks)


It's been a week since our anniversary and within that week Daniel met this girl. I think her name is Franny or something I dont really know. But enough about her name
that's not what I'm upset about I'm upset about the fact that he spends most of his day with her and completely doesn't realise that she is continuously flirting with him.

He was with her again today and it's been hours since then-6 to be exact-can he just come home already?

I walked downstairs to see Jonah, Zach and Jack watching something on the tv. The tv was switched off when they noticed I was in the room.

"Hey bean" I heard Zach say, I whispered a soft hi back to him.

" Do you know where Daniel is?" Jonah asked
"Yeah he's with Franny I believe"

There was a series of 'ohs' after i said that.

"So that's why you've been grumpy"Zach said matter-of-factly.


"Yeah...every time Daniel's with her you're like grumpy"

"I am not!" I said trying to make it sound believable.

"Corbyn you are" Jack said

I'm not going to argue with them when they're right.

"Fine maybe I do get upset that he is spending all of his time with a girl he met a few days ago who is clearly flirting with him and he doesn't see it because...because I dont know why he doesn't see it" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"So you're jealous is what I'm hearing" jonah said.

"Well duh jonah...and you would be jealous too if Eben was hanging with some girl."
"Hey leave me out of this, this is about you and Daniel not me and Eben."

"Wait so there's me and eben now" I heard Jack say with a smirk on his face.

"Guys you are forgetting the point of this" Zach said.

"When did she flirt with him?"
"When he brought him here on Wednesday"
"I thought she was just being friendly"

I raised an eyebrow at his statement.

"Friendly...h-how is it friendly to say 'you're cute' and kiss his cheek?"

"Well you've got a point but maybe talk to Daniel about it"


Corbyn probably wasn't going to talk to Daniel

~time skip a few days~

3rd P O V

It's been a few days and guess what Daniel is hanging with Franny again.

Also corbyn hasn't spoken to Daniel about the situation and his jealousy has only grown.
Daniel invited Corbyn to have dinner with Franny and him later that night which he accepted only because he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend.

So here they were sitting at a table...the three of them. Corbyn and Daniel's fingers intertwined under the table.

"So,uh Daniel I was wondering if you were free on Saturday?" She asked with a flirtatious smile which Daniel clearly didn't see.

"No actually why?"

Corbyn was happy with his answer because they had something planned that weekend. They were going to go camping just the two of them.

"Oh, I wanted to maybe go to an amusement park with you"

Daniel cringed, he hated amusement parks just as much if not a little more than he hated chocolate.

"I'm going to have to kindly decline we've got plans this weekend"

"What kind of plans"

Corbyn squeezed Daniel's hand as if to say  'no don't tell her'.

"We were going to go camping just the two of us...no one else." Daniel said emphasizing on the 'no one else' part

But she didn't pay any attention to it apparently because she asked

"Can I come? I've never been camping before"

Corbyn was so ready to say 'hell no' but Daniel beat him to answering the question.

"I don't know it was supposed to be sort of a couple's weekend"

"Okay great then you can pick me up before you leave."

"Wha-" Daniel said before looking at Corbyn.

Corbyn was upset and Daniel could see it but he looked at Corbyn and shrugged.

When they got home Corbyn ignored the existence of everyone and went straight to bed.

"What happened?" Jonah asked.

"Franny kind of invited herself  on our trip and Corbyn's upset."

" I can see why" Zach mumbled earning a hit on the shoulder from Jack.

"I hope his frustration won't last"  Daniel said

"Daniel a friend you met less than a week ago invited herself on your camping trip with your boyfriend. One that he has been planning for weeks for when you'll got back because he wasn't able to do anything for your anniversary since we were on tour. Unless you find a way to make sure she doesn't come on that trip he's going to be upset until you come back"

When Jonah put it that way he felt bad.
Then his phone vibrated in his pocket and he opened it to see a notification from Instagram.

Then his phone vibrated in his pocket and he opened it to see a notification from Instagram

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corbynbesson: Why?

Liked by  seavey_daniel jackavery imzachherron jonahmarais ebenofficial and more.


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And the post broke Daniel's heart because he knew exactly what it was about.

Corbyn posted that picture because he felt he needed to get the message across to Daniel that he freaking hates what she did.

~so...that happened.

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