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One month later.

3 R D   P O V

Corbyn was stressed. Jay was a month old and he was so cute. Corbyn wanted to do something special for Daniel and maybe ask him a certain question.

"Corbyn Matthew calm down." Jonah said.
"Do you know how stressful this is Jo?" He asked.
"No I don't because I didn't have to ask the question. Eben did."
"Listen here Besson. Daniel loves you. He's going to say yes. Plus if he says no I'll just beat him up. Okay I'm overreacting. I'm probably not , J kinda needs his papa."
"I get your point please stop talking Jonah"

"Fine. Can I at least see the ring?"

 Can I at least see the ring?" "Sure"

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"Wow.He's gonna love it."
"I hope so"


"Corbyn where are we going?" Daniel said with a slight laugh as he held onto Corbyn a blindfold around his eyes.

"You'll see my love."
"Bean if I fall-"
"You're not going to fall."

"Okay and I'm going to take the blindfold of now."
"Finally" Daniel said with a sigh.

"Where are we Corbs and-" he stopped when he saw a little picnic setup, the place  surrounded by a lake. (Kinda like Ben and Mal's from Descendants)

"Bean this is- wow, what's the occasion?"
"The occasion is you." Corbyn replied before giving Daniel a peck on his lips.

"Ah APPLE JUICE!!" Daniel exclaimed when he saw it.
"You are adorable."
"I know."
"Okay I'm not going to give you anymore sweet comments." Corbyn said crossing his arms.
"Okay I'm sorry, babeee look at me." Daniel whined moving over to sit on Corbyn's lap straddling him and then hugging him.

"I forgive you, but only because you are so freaking adorable."


They spent the rest of their evening/night eating and talking, laying in each others arms. Occasionally they would make out- which was what they were doing right now.

Their lips moved together like puzzle pieces. The sparks still there ,like the first time they kissed. Before thing got to heated Corbyn pulled away.

"I have one more thing to do." He said to Daniel before waking up pulling Daniel with him.

Daniel was looking around the place, at the tiny lights and polaroid pictures Corbyn had set up. When he looked back at Corbyn, he felt tears fill his eyes.

"Daniel,  from the day I met you and even before that I  knew that even if we weren't together , you'd still be a huge part of my life but I guess it l tired out in my favour because now I have the most amazing boyfriend and a little baby boy who I love with all my heart. Baby you're the best thing that's happened to me since i was well...born. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you, raise baby J and maybe have a few more kids. So, Daniel James Seavey will you do me the honour of being my husband?"

By this point, they both had tears in their eyes.

"Corbyn of course I'll marry you." He said, corbyn placing the ring on his left hand, before jumping into Corbyn's arms wrapping his legs around his waist and connecting their lips.

"I love you."
"I love you too, Daniel James soon to be Besson."

1 more chapter!

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