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The past few weeks I haven't been feeling the best it's mostly just throwing up alot and feeling very tired. I thought about many different things it could be but they made no sense especially the one where I thought I was- nevermind.Google made me think I was going to die!

Corbyn was starting to worry. He didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what was going on so he wanted to take me to the doctor. One slight problem with that...I don't like doctors.

So...here I sat on the bathroom floor after feeling extremly nauseous and then having to throw up.

"Bubba, I really think you should go to the doctor. And before you say anything, I'll be there with you the entire time." Corbyn said softly.

I thought about it for a while.

"I guess you're right." I sigh

"Okay...I'll go make an appointment" he said helping me up and taking me to the bed helping me lie down.

~time skip to the doctor's office~

I sat in one of those very uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor. I was feeling anxious. Corbyn was next to me holding my hands squeezing it from time to time.

"Daniel Seavey" I heard my name so we got up and walked into the room and sat down.

"So I'm Doctor Mendes, what's been going on" she asked sweetly.

"He's been nauseous and throwing up the past week and we aren't sure why"

She did a few tests and checked to see if everything was okay atleast that's what I think she did.

"Okay so this might be a bit shocking but Daniel your pregnant"

I felt the whole world stop. This can't be happening. For one, I'm a man this isn't    supposed to happen, sure I've read about things like this happening before but still and what about the band and the fans what will they think. And Corbyn...what if he doesn't want a child. What if he leaves me. I can't do this.
Corbyn squeezes my hand. He smiled at me reassuringly.

"This must be a mistake, the test must be wrong"

"False negatives are frequent, False positives...are rare."

"Corbs?" I ask my voice slightly breaking.

"Hmm" He answers tears in his eyes.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask a smile breaking out on my face.

"Hey! I only did what you wanted me to do" He said.
"But anyway" he turned to the doctor. "You're saying I'm gonna be a dad." He said sounding like a kid on Christmas.

"Yep" Dr.Mendes said.

He got up and did a little victory kinda thing.
Then walked over to me and pecked my lips resting his forehead on mine.

"We are gonna be parents" he said smiling.
"Yea" I said smiling.

"Thank you doctor."
"No problem I guess I'll be seeing you two alot around here for the next few months" she said.

"I guess so." Corbyn said grabbing my hand and walking with me carefully out the hospital. Jeez protective dad mode activated and it hasn't even been a day!

~time skip later that day 10:55 pm~

3 R D   P O V
Corbyn and Daniel were lying in bed cuddled up happy ,kinda stressed...scared and worried, but happy.

"Corbyn I'm scared" Daniel said softly.
"Why bubs?" Corbyn said shifting slightly so that he was lying on his side resting his head on his had look at Daniel, slightly hovering over him but not quite.

"Well because what if we aren't ready to be parents? What if no one supports us? What will we do , I mean you just turned 20 I'm 19. What will the fans think? What will happen to the band a-and tour we were planning?"

"Well, I think most people think they aren't ready to be parents at first but I know you'll be a great dad to our little bean, or mum whatever you prefer, If no one supports us, I'll be there for you by your side every step of the way, We are young yes but it's fine we are legal adults and we have a fixed income that will help us, we will get through this just like we have gotten through everything else that has crossed our paths this past year. If the fans don't support us then they aren't real fans and we don't have to tell them , not until you are ready to tell them. The band will still be here and tour, tour can be postponed since nothing has been confirmed and no one knows about it or we can continue with it. It's all up to you bubs. You are going to go through these nine months and all I want is for you to be happy. I'll be by your side like I said but I'm not going to be carrying a baby inside me so this will be alot more pressure on you and I'm sorry for that. But I promise I'll be there for you, for all your mood swings and food cravings in the middle of the night, when you have a little bump, the baby's first kick, I can't wait for that, everything! I don't care what the world thinks or says I'm going to be here even after the baby is born. Till the day I can't anymore. I love you" he said making me cry tears of joy.

Daniel lifted his head slightly to place a passionate kiss on his lips.

"Thank you bean, for not leaving me."

"Never" he said wiping the tears that fell from my eyes.

And with that they went to bed with no worry except the thought of how the hell they were going to tell their parents.

"OH SHIT HOW ARE WE GOING TO TELL OUR PARENTS" Daniel and Corbyn said at the same time before deciding it was something they would talk about in the morning. Going back to sleep cuddling each other.

~I am soft
~quick question: if I wrote a dorbyn-oneshot book would you read it?

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