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3rd P O V

Daniel had 2 days.
2 days to find a way to make sure Franny doesn't come on this trip with them. He was just happy that he hadn't told here the exact location of where they were going.

Currently he was sitting in his bed at 3am thinking of a way to not take he. He thought of just not picking here up at all and leaving.
But he was probably going to talk to her and tell her she can't come.

Corbyn was most probably still upset -not with Daniel- but Daniel wondered why Corbyn wouldn't speak to him when he came to bed.

~time skip a few hours~

Daniel hadn't gotten any sleep that night and Corbyn's sleep kept getting interrupted because he kept having dreams about Franny stealing his boyfriend. He just hopes they don't come true.

When Corbyn woke up, Daniel was lying down looking at the ceiling.

"Morning" he said
"Morning Corbs"

When Daniel looked at him he could see tear stains on his cheeks probably from last night.

"Bean are you okay?"

Corbyn didn't answer him.

"Bean please talk to me, you haven't spoken a full sentence to me since last night and this past week you've been distant. You think I haven't noticed."

"You want me to talk fine. I'm not going to sugarcoat this. I don't like Franny"

Daniel was shocked. He knew Corbyn didn't like what she did last night but he didn't know he didn't like her at all.

"W-why" he said his voice slightly breaking.

"Why Daniel come on. You haven't seen it. The way she looks at you like you are a piece of meat. The way she flirts with you. The way she puts her hand on your knee when she sits next to you."

'Oh I thought it was a friendly gesture' Daniel thought.

"Bean were you jealous"
"No" he said a little too fast

"Oh bean...babe literally no one in this entire world scratch that universe could replace you or come close to doing so. So why were you jealous? She is a girl I met who I thought was friendly. I didn't know it bothered you that much. I love you and only you okay?"

Corbyn nodded thinking what he did was probably over reacting.
But then daniel continued.

"But I understand where you were coming from. I would be jealous if you were spending your entire day with someone. Truth is I tried coming home and leaving her at the mall or whatever but she forced me to stay with her."

"I'm sorry Dani. I just didn't like what she did"

"I know and I'm going to find a way to not take her on this trip. It's just for us. Our weekend away"

That was Daniel's promise.

~time skip~

Daniel was currently at Franny's door knocking.
When the door was answered sheet him in while rambling on and on about the trip she will NOT be going on.

"You can't come" Daniel said suddenly, tired of her rambling.


"I said you can't come."

"And why not"

"Because this weekend is for me and MY boyfriend only. It's our weekend and I'm not about to take you because you just said you wanted to come. Hell my best friend asked to come and I told him I couldn't take him. I'm not talking you."

"Oh but Daniel"

She said walking close to him too close for his liking. Personal space people. She leaned in close to his lips when Daniel pushed her off him she stumbled back and fell over.

"In  case  you haven't gotten the message yet I'm gay and I have a boyfriend"

Right...so now that that's over.

"Corbynnnn!!" Daniel shouted as he walked into the house.


"Shes gone"

'Daniel you sound like a murderer.' A voice in his head told him
'oh right I'm the Author.'
'Yeah of the book you guys are in.enough about me on with the story.'

"Are you serious?"
"Hopefully I'll never see her again"

Happy Dorbyn,happy life

~that wasn't very dramatic but Oh well

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