Chapter 1

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As soon as the door closed of the first house out of possible hundreds, I knew this would never work out. This was our first attempt at finding a possible place to stay. We have been trying for several weeks to find a permanent home. Why? Let's just say our whole life has been a bit of a train wreck. As me and my sister walked down the street, after being rejected by the first family, the cold wind whipping around us, we came upon a small abandoned-looking shed. We walked quickly to the shed in desperate need of warmth. We stepped inside and shut the door.

"Are we gonna stay here?" my 7 year old sister asked, looking at the gloomy appearance of the the interior of the shed.

"I'm not sure hun. I'm sure you don't want to. Put your bag down and lets go get some stuff for the week."

Our "shopping" is a bit different than you may think. Because of our situation and the fact that I barely bring in any money, most of the things we have are stolen.

With my paycheck, we can buy three days worth of food, blankets and little things like hats and scarves. We can't buy too muh though or else we have so much stuff to carry around. All we have with us are two backpacks. We have to make the best of all the space we have.

As we walk along the cold, unwelcoming sidewalk, I start to remember everything. All if the things from my past. My friends, family...all the things I left behind.


"NO! Stop!" I historically laughed. "Ed stop! It hurts!" I yelled as he continued to tickle me.

Ed was my best friend. Always there for me. Whenever I needed support, or just someone to talk to, he was always there. 

"Hahaha! I WIN!" he yelled at the end of our tickle fight.

"Don't count on keeping that victory name, Sheeran." I retorted.

I stood up, my lungs sore from laughing so hard. I am so ticklish! It my weakness. It was always a disadvantage; especially when I'm with Ed.

"I just finished the song! I think it came along pretty well" Ed said to me, excitement in his eyes.

"Oh Jesus Ed that great!" he has been working on his latest song for as long as I could remember. He was an amazing songwriter. Ever since he was 12, he has always dreamed of becoming a big singer - songwriter. Ever since I left, I have always wondered where he was today. Hoping that he fulfilled his dream.

"I gotta go mums making dinner. Wanna come over?" he asked me. "I can't, I have business to take care of" I told him. "oh okay. See you tomorrow?" he asked wide-eyed. "Er...yeah. Of course" I said, flashing him a fake smile, remembering what I had to do.

"See you then..." he said walking slowly out of my back- gate, and across the street.

And that was the last time I saw him.

**End of flashback**

"Alex. ALEX!" my sister whispered/yelled, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yes? Whats up?" I whispered back, curious why we were whispering.  

"Look..." she said pointing to a group of guys, no more than 16, beating up some other guy.

"What do we do?" she asked me, fear in her eyes. "Just stay back. I got this" I said through gritted teeth.  

"Alex, please dont." she begged. I have a background of a violent nature, making my patience, and temper very short. I ignored her wish and started slowly making my way towards the group.

"What was that, you curly haired prick?!" one of them yelled. "I thought I heard you say something."

"Just let her go" he whispered in pain. He was pinned up against the cold brick wall of the ally, blood smeared across his face.

I looked at all of the unwelcoming faces of the group that was threatening the helpless looking guy. They all didn't look that strong, the curly haired boy could have easily taken them out. But because of the ratio of 7 to 1, he was outnumbered.

I scanned the scene until I came across a girl. She looked about the same age as me, scared, helpless with the look of terror in her eyes. Her lip was split and her clothes were tattered. I assumed that he was trying to save her, and then it backfired.

"Let her go? LET HER GO?! This little bitch is worthless and has no right to even be standing there, LIVING!" he yelled back, anger rising with each word.

She stood back against the wall in fear as he came closer to her. I knew I had to do something.

"HEY! Back off her!" I yelled, my New York accent standing out against everyone's English ones.

"Ohhh so you a friend of hers?" he said, coming closer to me with a smirk on his face.

"Alex, please" Annabel whispered as I stood my ground against the angry male approaching me.

"Annabel, go. Run." I said pointing to the other end of the ally. "GO! I'll catch up with you after I take care of him"

She ran reluctantly as fast as her legs could carry her away from the scene. "so...." I gasped, unaware of his presence behind me. "You think you can take on me?" he growled getting closer with each word.

"Let him go" he ordered his possi who was holding down the curly haired boy. They let him go, pushing him away making him trip over his own feet. He was tall. And I mean TALL. at least six foot. He was quite attractive with his dark curly locks and sparkling emerald eyes.

"You got some nerve talking to me like that" he said angrily. "Thinking you could sand up to me"

I glared at him as I watched the curly hired boy walk over to the girl who was crying. He looked at me and mouthed "thank you" he hugged the girl and whispered something to her. She nodded and slowly walked out of the alley. Suddenly Annabel appeared. Bat in hand. "Get outta here!" she yelled at him. He chuckled to himself and snapped his fingers. His possi caved in on her. She stood her ground but was scared out of her mind.

"If you dare touch her I swear to you I'll-"  


I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back as I pinned him against the wall.

"Do you really wanna know?" I growled as my inner Bronx took over. I heard Annabel yell and I instantly snapped my head in her direction. She was kicking furiously as they tried to hold her down.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER OR I SWEAR YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT IF DAY AGAIN!" I threatened running over to them. The bigger one of the possi stopped me as I tried to make my way over to my sister. I flung up my leg as my knee made contact with his stomach. He groaned and crouched over. I made my way passed him as I made another attempt to get my sister. I was thrown around, feeling the bruises already starting to form. Someone's fist made contact with the side of my face as everything went black.

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