Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"You're mother was here"

Those were the four words I never wanted to hear. Ever. In my life.

"S-she was here?" I chocked out, processing everything. I guess it was her voice I heard when I was asleep.

" were sleeping and she came in. She told me she was our mother and that everything you may have told me, wasn't true..." he trailed off, the floor becoming Intresting.

"Wasn't true? What the hell is that? She knows darn well what she did, and that it was wrong of her to do something like that!" I yelled, tears about to explode out Of my eyes. "You know what? Let's not make scene here. We'll talk about it at home." I said, taking his large hand, and dragging him out of the hospital.

When we got home, I put all my stuff down, took off my shoes and sat down on the couch. I stared at the blank tv screen, as Harry came and sat next to me.

"She seemed really nice. Alot like you." he stated, looking at me. I looked back at him, and turned sideways, so I was facing him.

"She told me about you when you were younger. How adventurous you were. Not letting what was going on at home influence your social life. She said it never seemed to bother you. You never showed it." he told me, taking me by surprise.

"She obviously didn't know me too well..." I said, looking the opposite way.

"What do you mean?" he asked. I sighed and told him a shot story.

"Becasue of all the fighting and violence in my house and family, I learned alot of different ways to block it out. Usually I would grab my jacket, walk out the door, and take a walk. No where in particular. Just around. Usually to town and back. Sometimes I would grab Annabel, and we'd go to my friends house. Most of the time it was Ed's. I remember one time, I took the box of chips, my phone, my iPod, and bottles of water, and locked me and Annabel in the bathroom. I told my parents that if thy don't make up, they don't get to use the bathroom. That one usually worked. I had to do it often. I would get into alot of fights at school. Lots of detention, suspensions and all that stuff. I bet she didn't even know." I told him, out of breath. He stared at me for a short while before speaking.

"I had no idea...I thought it was just your average argument that parents had..." he said, understanding a bit more about me.

"Nope. It was alot more than that. Thats the whole reason why me and Annabel left. It wasn't safe." I explained, tearing up a bit. He pulled me into a hug, and rocked me back and forth. It calmed me down a bit. I inhaled the faint smell of his cologne and closed my eyes. I felt safe with him. Something I haven't felt in a while. Maybe he was different.

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