Devils desire, Ddraig the perverted dragon emperor.

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After school ended, Toad walked to the old school building and saw the love of his life, Rias Gremory.

Toad: man I didn't expect Rias to be so beautiful

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Toad: man I didn't expect Rias to be so beautiful. I get the feeling that she has her own problems like being forced into arranged marriage to Riser Phenex. Well don't worry Rias. I will save you from him.
???: damn right you will. And I know the perfect way to do that.
Toad: really Ddraig? What?
Ddraig: easy just take her virginity. That would nullify her engagement.
Toad: huh. That's a good idea.that'll really put Riser in his place. At any rate, are you perverted Ddraig?
Ddraig: damn right I am! I may b a heavenly dragon but I still have needs dammit!

Ddraig: no I'm being serious. Seriously I don't have THAT much dignity. And neither does Albion.
Toad: isn't he one of the heavenly dragons too?
Ddraig: psh. Only on paper. We're horny as fuck over here. I haven't had sex since my girlfriend cheated on me.
Toad: oh god. Please don't tell me it was Trihexa.
Ddraig: no way dude. That bitch disappeared before I even had a chance with her. No no no man. It was Tohru. She had to go and cheat on me for some arrogant asshole.
Toad: just like Riser?
Ddraig: no. He was worse than that chicken.
Toad: then he was acting like Gilgamesh from the fate series.
Ddraig: that's exactly who it was.
Rias: that must've been rough Ddraig.
Ddraig: whatever man. I'm over that slut anyway.
Toad: by the way Rias. Let me join your peerage. I can help you get out of your engagement to Riser.
Rias: thank you Toad.

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