Chapter 13

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He placed me back on the ground letting me go waiting for my answer, "I love you too Henry", he couldn't contain his happiness when those words left my lips. 

We were so focused on each other that we didn't notice the sun was going down. 

"Shit!" we both shouted in unison, rushing off to the car. Belch was passed out in the driver's seat whilst Hockstetter and Vic were playing slapies, Hockstetter saw us, 

"the lovebirds have landed" Vic turned his head and smiled, with the distraction Hockstetter slapped his hands winning the game, 

"ha in your face, I get shotgun, finally" he ran around to the front of the car jumping in slapping Belch in the gut waking him up. I was always in the back either next to Vic and Hockstetter or Vic and Henry and sometimes Hockstetter and Henry.

 Belch always drove if you asked he'd always run to the car yelling at you 'No one drives my Amy other than me' he had a soft spot for his car no one cares to ask why. 

"You boys have an idea of where we're going?" I tried talking to keep myself awake, 

"well, we can't go to mine cause my mum doesn't like Patrick" belch was the first to reply, 

"HOLD UP, you said your mum loved having me around" he didn't like the answer Belch had given. 

Belch just shrugged his shoulders and kept driving, Vic shook his head for his house, 

"what about one of you, surely?" Henry and I looked at each other. 

"I guess we could stay at mine," Henry quickly answered. We all nodded and Belch took a sharp turn heading for Henry's place.

"Belch, turn your light off and the music, I don't want my father seeing any of you especially if he's drunk again" He leaned over me to look through the front window. 

"Yeah, we all remember what happened last time" Vic rubbed the back of his neck as Henry slid down in his seat, 

"I'll try and sneak you all in cause if the old man sees you, especially you Zav last time a girl entered that house was my mother" his eyes started filling with tears and he tried not to let them fall but one started falling down his cheek, making sure no one was watching I kissed his cheek stopping the tear from falling any further. He smiled and got out of the car and silently walked into his house.

"How long does it take to make sure his old man's asleep?" Belch was trying hard not to fall asleep, moments after Henry emerged signaling us to go in. 

"took you long enough," Hockstetter announced,

"would you shut up Hockstetter" Henry somehow managed to yell while whispering. I walked in to see empty beer bottles spread around the house and Mr. Bowers passed out on his armchair, a half-drunk whiskey bottle sat in his hand. The boys rushed upstairs to Henry's room leaving me and Henry.

Mr bowers started to drop the bottle, Henry and I were just about to walk upstairs when Mr bowers stopped us 

"and who do you think you are bringing a girl into this house?" he stood up folding his arms stepping in front of Henry. You could smell the alcohol from halfway up the stairs, it was enough to make me want to be sick. 

"Sorry sir, but it's just for tonight she can't go home right now I'll take her home in the morning I promise" Henry looked at the ground keeping his voice low enough that only Mr. Bowers could hear. 

"You better, you little piece of shit" he pushed Henry down making him fall to the ground.

Mr. Bowers reached for my hand as I tried walking up the stairs once Henry got up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs, my head slammed against the ground. Everything went dark and silent for a moment, the sound of Henry screaming was the last thing I heard. 

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