Chapter 20

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All of a sudden a silhouette started forming from amongst the shadows, it couldn't have been anyone from the losers or Bowers gang. It was tall, skinny, and looked to have long hair that almost stood up on its own, looking to see if Richie could see it too. All there was his arm, his whole body had just disappeared and I hadn't noticed. 

Not long after the sewer filled with children laughing and muttering 

'you'll float too, we all float down here, that then reminded me of that night at Vic's house, what I thought wasn't real or what I feared came to life. 

"Don't be afraid Zav, we all float down here didn't you hear them, they're all waiting for you even your father he's up there all you have to do is come closer and I'll snap my fingers and he'll come right down and you can go and I might even give you a balloon, what color would you like, I've got blue, green, red, and yellow" it was that squeaky high pitched voice again and one by one the balloons came out. On each balloon, there was a date. 

The one date that stood out to me was 27/06/1989. That was the day my dad got in that crash, this had to be some sick joke made by Richie, he's always been known for his character voices and how he's a jokester and I knew he would've wanted to get me back for being with Henry, inviting the Bowers gang into my house with him knowing, but he's pushed the line know with this one.

"Funny joke Richie, I know it's you, is this just some sick joke you're playing to get back at me for Henry? If so you can stop it now I understand and I've had enough you're starting to freak me out" panic filled my voice and the thought of what if it wasn't Richie, how would Richie be able to disappear just leaving his arm and where are the rest of the losers?.

The silhouette grew bigger by the second becoming more easier to see, it had Bright red hair like fire, a grey jumpsuit with three red buttons down the middle, a red line starting from its eyebrows joining at the lips creating a huge smile, 

"ooh, I've waited so long for this moment" a long line of drool fell from its mouth, 

"Who are you and where's Richie what did you do to him?" I asked almost tripping over my own feet to try and get away, 

"oh well I'm Pennywise the dancing clown and I know exactly who you are Zavanna I've heard a lot about you from your father" he replied. I noticed his eyes had changed from a light blue to a deep hazel and his once blunt teeth had started growing sharper, 

"I don't know how you met my father but he's dead and his death date was on one of your stupid balloons, and I'm not playing this sick game of yours" I shouted, stepping back once again, 

"oooh I know he's dead" he giggled. My stomach felt like it dropped thirty feet, my heart was beating at a hundred miles per hour maybe more, and sweat started falling down my face, I was now struggling to say words my brain was full of them they just wouldn't come out. I finally realized how fucked I was once I'd reached one of the many dead ends.

"Trying to leave so soon? the fun's just beginning is it not?" he questioned knowing I couldn't answer, suddenly his head jerked back baring row after row of sharp teeth, he started reaching out to my face but stopped when rocks started flying at the back of his head, he flew around revealing Patrick, 

"Get away from her you fucking creep!" he shouted throwing one more rock before pennywise started chasing him off. Making a quick getaway I ran into dead end after dead end, one after the other all looking different from the last, some had a small number of bars blocking them off and the others had bars crossed over making small squares, but finally, I saw some form of light, finally I'd found the way out. 

"We did it, Patrick we made it" I cheered hoping he'd be right behind me, then a blood-curdling scream came from inside, "Run Zav!" then it when silent, but I did what he told me and that was to run. 

Still looking over my shoulder every five seconds no one was there, every sound was enough to make me jump, Patrick saved my life and I owe that to him, but I knew I had to go back and find him I just can't go back there alone this time and hope to make it all out in one piece.

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