chapter 26

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Belch managed to dodge every set of lights there possibly was on the way, my vision grew more and more blurred by the second.

"Blech fucking step on it, I can't lose her!" Henry shouted,

"I'm going as fast as I fucking can Henry, you're not going to lose her well get her there in time," Belch replied sounding as if he wasn't panicked at all,

The final thing I remember was hearing 'I love you' before dropping out of consciousness,
I ended up being in a coma for a total of ten hours due to blood loss, doctors and nurses were running in and out of my room every five minutes making sure I was comfortable and or awake,

"Where...Where am I? I questioned feeling the restraint of the IV drip planted in my left arm,

"Holy shit you're awake!" Vic shouted rushing over to the seat Henry who had fallen asleep to give him the news, with all force Vic pushed Henry almost out of his chair,

"wh..what the fuck?" he questioned rubbing his eyes, "is she awake?" he continued to question still not noticing me seated upright,

"Miss McCoy, it's good to see you're awake," a nurse said before she entered my room, "we need to run some tests so if it's okay, may I?" she asked dragging in a table with medical supplies covering it, I nodded my head knowing I wouldn't have a choice either way,

A blood pressure machine was attached to my arm avoiding the IV drip, I flinched when it fully compressed my arm, "are you okay?" Henry asked rushing to my side, the nurse seemed to be holding back a smile once she saw his face,

"Henry I'm fine, I'm in good hands the people here won't hurt me anymore than I already am, plus I'll probably be out of here soon, the losers are probably wondering where I am," I said trying to treasure him that I was alright, he gently picked up my hand and let a small smile creep across his face,

"Henry bowers smiling, holy shit it's a miracle," Vic shouts throwing his arms up, he's been so quiet we all forgot he was there, both the boys exchanged looks of confusion but then they both ended up on the floor in laughter,

"Miss McCoy you're all set to go, I just need you to sign some discharge papers," the nurse started to explain "you'll need to come back in two weeks so we can check those stitches, but before I do anything let's take this IV out shall we?" she said, her grip was tight around the edge of the plastic tube in my arm, a tingling feeling filled my arm once she started pulling, the feeling was sickening even more than stubbing your toe in the edge of your bed,

"oops there's just a little bit of blood," she said as she placed the tubing in a special medical bin, she grabbed a cotton ball and some tape and stuck it to the hole to stop it from bleeding, "alright I'll go get these papers for you,"

"See I told you that I'd be alright, we get to leave this place," I said slowly sliding myself off the bed, my legs felt like jelly once all my weight was on them, with not being able to move out of bed for over then hours my legs gave way with all the new weight they had thrown on them,

"Shit, lucky, we didn't leave yet and if you can't walk I'm sorry but I'm not going you a choice but you're getting a wheelchair," Henry said gripping onto my arm as tight as he could so I wouldn't hit the floor, I didn't have the energy the argue back so once the nurse came back she had to turn around and locate one, if not Henry wasn't leaving.

"Now we can go," Henry explained signing the final box on the discharge papers, he passed Vic my bags and wheeled me out of my room,

"Do you have your discharge papers?" The nurse at reception asked, Henry, placed the papers down in front of her, and kept walking,

Once we had gotten outside Belch was already out waiting, Vic had claimed a spot in the back seat, Henry ditched the wheelchair beside the car,

"I can walk now you know that right?" I asked, Henry, didn't seem to care as he picked me up and gently placed me into the passenger seat,

"The losers keep asking about you, they want us to meet them at the old well house before you go home," Henry explained before closing the door,

"Why the Well house?" I questioned,

"They didn't say but we're going there anyway," Henry answered immediately,

Belch and Vic both turned pale at the thought, I didn't hang out with the losers to know enough about the Well house, but it meant something to them,

"Just pull in over here," Henry demanded, Belch pulled into the street beside the house, the car was shielded by the overgrown trees covering the fence of the house,

"Henry I don't like the feeling of this," Vic muttered, Henry turned to him pulling out his knife,

"we're going in that house whether you like it or not," he threatened,

"Henry, what the fuck are you doing?" Belch asked, Henry, remained quiet in his seat,

"Henry?" I questioned softly, Henry turned sharply to Vic with his knife in hand cutting his throat, his blood sprayed the  window,

Belch kept his grip tight around the steering wheel, his gaze reminded in front of him,

I could see sweat forming from under his hat was sprayed with a few drops of Vic's blood,

"Henry?" He questioned swallowing hard,
Henry's eyes darted to the back of Belch's seat,

Henry threw himself forward wrapping his arm around Belch's neck,

I sat back in fear of what he'd do to me if I tried stopping him,

Henry dragged the blade threw Belch's neck fully covering the window,

My face become covered with his blood and so was Henrys',

He sat back and burst out laughing, he started muttering under his breath, "you'll float too"
Before rushing himself out of the car,

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