Chapter 21

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As hard as it was to face the fact I'd almost gotten myself killed but to have gotten Patrick killed, he may have been a creep but he was good to Henry, they'd been friends since preschool and have stuck by each other since then no matter what, but now I guess today that all came to an end.

Still running I could feel my heartbeat rising to my throat and it was so loud it was like someone bashing on a drum set if you saw me you would've thought I was insane and everyone thought that anyway. Nothing stopped me from running until I knew I was safe, which was a low chance I don't think I'd ever feel safe again.

"Guys you've gotta help me that thing the losers keep talking about it got Patrick, please..." that's all that I got out before passing out, I'd been running for which felt like hours, I wasn't entirely sure if anyone was home or if they all left to come to find me after blacking out. I finally started coming too, my head was pounding but when I opened my eyes I was shocked to see not only Henry but Richie and the rest of the guys, but there was no Patrick so maybe it was true Pennywise is picking us off one by one.

"Oi Losers she's awake!" Belch shouted from behind me, then they all rusted in to greet me. 

"Holy shit Zav you leave to go talk to your boyfriend and don't come back for almost a whole day. What happened?" Beverly questioned, checking the large bandage placed on my forehead,

"Look this is gonna sound crazy but please trust me, I blacked out and it looked like Richie grabbed my arm and he dragged me to the sewers, but then once we got inside his body disappeared and his arm stayed gripped to me, then this clown jumped out of nowhere I think he said his name was..." before I could finish the losers chimed in saying, 


"It's alright you're not the only one, we've all seen 'IT' he shows what we most fear or that's what we think and Patrick went out looking for you and Henry but Henry got home before you, but don't worry there's still a chance for Patrick to be alive" Eddie explained placing his hand on my shoulder, I only had the energy to let out a small smile before laying back down.

A few days passed and all I could think about was how Patrick sacrificed himself just to save me, he came looking for me when Henry didn't, which made me question whether or not Henry really loved me as much as he told me. 

"Oh my god, you're okay" Henry celebrated picking me up spinning around, 

"I'm so fucking sorry about everything I feel like such a dick" he claims placing me back down, 

"look Henry I'm okay just a bit shaken up that's all, and don't put yourself down it's just a minor mistake that's all and hey it's in the past we don't need to worry about it" I explained giving him a light kiss on the cheek turning then light pink. 

"I've never would've thought you were the type to worry about someone other than himself but Bowes you've proven me wrong once again," I said jokingly making him laugh,

"says' you, I don't think I've ever met anyone that's made me double think all my actions, since the first day I saw you I tried everything I could to see you but the losers made that a bit hard" he took a long pause before he continued, "you probably don't want to hear any of this but I feel like it'd be good for you to know, I was with Greta before you and she hated you for my actions and that's why the losers stopped talking to you, I don't know what she'd said but whatever she did say she said it to Richie and ever since then they've both hated us, I hope that clears a few things up between you and Richie if not I've just made thing a shit tone worse," he said rubbing the back of his neck. 

Words were hard to find to answer all of that so all I said was, "Henry like I said it's all in that past and we don't need to keep talking about it".

I couldn't help but feel like a total bitch after what I said to Henry but it was the truth and he needed to hear it more than me. So what if he dated Greta and she hates my guts, I hate her as much as she hates me back, and Richie will always hate me probably until the day Henry and I break up or the day I die, which is understandable. 

"Hey Henry can we just lay here for a bit, I'm really tired and I just want to forget everything about today and this week for that fact," I asked laying down across the couch, 

"Alright, whatever makes you happy" He smiled laying beside me.

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