Chapter 24

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A new feeling filled my body once I saw the blue trans am parked outside and all the bikes piled on the lawn, 

"thank fuck we're home I can finally lay down," Richie said picking up his pace, passing both me and Eddie to get inside. 

"you're home!" Vic shouted picking me up in a bear hug, 

"I didn't go that far, Eddie, Richie, and I just went down to the arcade, didn't I write a note or am I thinking about that?" I asked, Vic, turned looking at every flat surface checking for a note, 

"nope, there's no note here, maybe you thought you did, it's been a hectic couple of days so it's okay" he said reassuring me. 

"also Henry's still at his place before you ask where he's at, he said he's got some stuff to deal with his old man, we plan on going there later we just came to check if you were okay and if you wanted to come and get out of the house for a bit" he continued, excited I quickly bolted around the house for no reason stopping to ask, 

"do I need to take clothes? like, are we staying or coming back here?" Vic looked at me like I was stupid, 

"we're coming back here, now come get your ass in the car you know how impatient Henry can get," he said jokingly pushing me out the door, Belch was already in the car waiting, 

"I call shotgun!" I shouted racing to the car, 

"you're an idiot I have to get in first so I can climb in the back, move" Vic explained laughing. the whole car ride was pretty much me and Vic insulting each other, which pissed Belch off making it even funnier.

 "what's that weirdo doing?" Belch's question turning into the driveway, 

"looks like he holding something, we're too far away to see anything" Vic replied. Henry raised his head once we got far enough in the driveway, removing a rag revealing a gun to greet us, 

"Good you're back, I've gotta do some things for the old man and you know how he feels about you guys being around and I don't want a repeat of last time" he explained with a sigh, 

"listen here Henry I don't care what your dad says about us we're your friends and fuck sake Zav's your girlfriend and if he doesn't want us here then he can leave" Belch defined, Henry just lowered his head 

"he hasn't long gotten up he's on a twelve-hour shift today, I'm just helping him out you know how he can get once he's started on the grog" He explained rubbing his neck, 

"We don't need you to make excuses for us to leave Henry" Vic argued jumping out of the car "alright fine, if you're staying I wanna show you something pretty cool, Belch go line up some bottles over there," Henry asked pointing to a rusted trailer, 

"why's it always me" Belch muttered under his breath doing what he was asked.

"The old man's gun, he gave it to me to clean but there's so much better thing you can do with a gun than clean it, just watch" Henry explained aiming the gun at one of the empty bottles. With one breathe he pulled the trigger hitting the bottle perfectly making it shatter, the sound of the gun firing echoed making birds in the nearest tree fly off. 

"How long have you known to shoot like that!? Give me a go" Belch asked grabbing at the gun, 

"Just piss off would ya, go grab that cat over there and hold it, make sure to keep it still" Henry replied snapping. Fear overtook my body when Belch picked up the cat and held it by the bottles, "Henry please don't do this" I begged, I knew I had no power over him but he was about to shoot an innocent cat, I thought the cat was done for until Mr.Bowers burst through the front door "boy what do you think you're doing with that gun," he shouted as he staggered his way down to where we were standing.

The scent of alcohol lingered off his body, as he stood in front of Henry, 

what are you doing with my gun boy!" he spat snatching the gun from Henry's grasp, 

"n...nothing sir, I was just cleaning it" Henry whimpered. Butch was right up in his face holding the gun, 

"don't lie to me boy, you know I don't like when you lie to me" He explained stepping back pointing the gun towards Henrys' feet, 

"Mr. bowers what the heck are you doing!?" I shouted before he turned and pointed the gun at my head

 "back off, this is between my son and me if you ever get involved again I'll just have to show you who's the stronger one again shall I?"  He said sounding all-powerful, 

"kids these days need to mind your OWN DAMN FUCKING BUSINESS! I've already got a bunch of little shits getting involved with the missing kids' case and that's annoying and now  I've got you three bugging my son and filling his head with all this bullshit about this fucking killer clown, IT'S NOT REAL! none of it is" Butch vented.

Henry had covered his face with his arms trying to defend himself from any oncoming damage he could possibly take, but much to all of our surprise four shots were aimed at Hernys' feet, making everyone jumped back a couple of steps. 

"Now I hope you'll have learned some sort of lesson today," Butch said holstering his gun taking himself inside.

Henry threw his hands by his side, "FUCKING HELL!" he shouted throwing his fist at the closest tree, 

"Henry, calm down you're stronger than your old man surely you can..." Belch started, 

"Just shut up Belch, no be gives a shit okay!" Henry snapped. 

"look I don't need help with my old man I can handle him," He said starting to calm down. We all made our way over to the car, Belch sat in the driver's seat, Vic stood at the side of the car, Henry sat on the ground in front of the car and I sat on the bonnet. At this time no one was game enough to talk just in case Henry had another outburst, or his father came storming out. 

"Hey, good?" Vic asked finally breaking the horrid silence, but no words came out of Henrys' mouth, all he did was stand up and walk himself all the way to his letterbox. 

"what do you think in there? love note maybe?" I said jokingly,

"why would Henry be getting a love oooh... you talking about Greta being obsessed with him, wait are you?" Belch asked questioning my comment, 

"yes Belch I was, but what's taking Henry so long?" I asked standing up, 

"well he hasn't snapped at you yet so maybe it's worth a shot for you to go talk to him" Vic suggested, 

"alright then, wish me luck". 

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