Chapter 27

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I remained seated with Belch and Vic, I tried so hard not to throw up what little food I had left in my stomach, so I followed Henry inside,

The losers biked lined the house's front yard, with only one pushed over. Richies. He always had taken care of his bike as well as Stan but it was always an easy getaway for if he opened his trash mouth at the wrong people,

Bloody handprints covered parts of the walls,

"Henry?" The losers all called at once, I tried following the satanic laughter coming from another room,
I stopped in front of the door that was jarred opened,

Henry's shirt could just be seen past the door, he had pinned Mike to the ground,

Mike was reaching for a gun-shaped item but Henry soon noticed picking it up himself aiming it right at Mike's head,

"Henry stop!" I shouted gaining his attention, he dropped the gun blankly staring,

He removed himself from Mike making his way over to me, last time Henry had this look on him it was my first day standing up for the losers, now I'm standing up for myself, but I knew this wasn't the Henry I got to know over the summer,

"Henry, this isn't you, I know you're in there please fight it," I said calming, Henry still held a blank stare, I gazed over his shoulder watching Mike travel down the well,

Mike knocked a bottle off the edge making it shatter, Henry spun around trying to pull Mike back out, Mike's force was enough to drag Henry down with him but only Mike had hold of the rope,

I rushed over to see Henry have a slight grip at the end of the rope, he finally got a grip with his other hand pulling himself up,

I ran to assist Henry back up the rope to see all the losers sticking their heads out a hole in the side of the well,

"A little help would be nice," I commented, I struggled to lift the rope by myself just as the losers still all sat back and watched,

I managed to raise the rope just leveled with the losers, Henry jumped from the rope to them leaving my sight,

"Zav, climb down," Eddie commanded.

They tied a small loop as a little step to help get down without slipping. When I got down to the losers they all helped join them,

"What are you doing here?" Stan asked, his voice and hands were shaky,

"Hanry said yous needed me here, didn't you?" I replied,

I couldn't even go back and ask Vic or Belch if he was telling the truth, Henry probably only wanted to come here kill the losers. It made me start questioning that if I didn't move to derry would the losers still be alive.

"Where did the mullet-wearing asshole go?" Richie questioned,

"Richie now is not the time, he killed Vic and Belch, right in front of me, so let's just hurry up and get the fuck out of here," I answered sharply. The images of Vic and Belch kept flashing like a slide show in the back of my mind,

The loser's jaws all dropped with my comment, I didn't care that I told them they needed to know even If it made them hate Henry even more. 

I pushed past them all following Henry, but the well spilt in two directions,

"Fuck," I started looking left and right trying to figure out what way to go, then out of the corner of my eye Pennywise stuck his head out, 

"Helloo, Zavanna, looking for something or should I say someone?" his tone was cold and shaky, his smile grew reaching from ear to ear sending shudders down my spine,

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