Chapter 17

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I Couldn't Explain how happy I was when I could see my fence, picking up my pace I was almost running bursting through the door I didn't even notice that Mr. Bowers car was parked outside, rushing straight to my room changing out of my soaked clothes into grey sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie. 

"Oh, hey Mr. Bowers, I didn't even realize you were here," I said shocked,

"Hey Zav, can you sit down for a sec it's about your dad," he asked patting the seat beside him, 

"what's happened?" my voice went quiet and my eyes filled with tears, 

"listen Zav, being your dad's work partner they wanted me to tell you personally but today while working and how it was raining the roads were slick and he went rogue, it was almost like he wasn't himself, but he crashed drove straight into a tree. The paramedics did everything they could but I'm sorry he didn't make it," He looked like he was about to cry. It's only been around four weeks they'd been working together but I guess that's a long time for him. 

"you're welcome over any time, like if you need to talk or anything, just so you know," he assured, picking himself up without saying anything more.

All I wanted to was curl up in a ball and cry, but I got told not long after my mother left was to stay strong and not let anyone see you're hurt, cause then they know you're weak. I wanted answers as to why he went rogue, I dried the last of many tears and walk to his room, he always kept his door shut, mostly for privacy reasons but I need answers. 

I've never been the one to judge someone about how messy their room is but holy shit,  it looked as if a bomb went off about five times, but he didn't really have much to look through so I started in the most obvious place under the bed, but before I could start looking I heard knocking at the front door, 

'who would be coming over during a storm?' picking myself from the ground I made my way trying to make myself look like I hadn't been crying, even though I'd probably cry if asked ' are you okay?' but who wouldn't.

I couldn't help it but my hands started shaking uncontrollably, I started to feel sweat forming around my face. 

'why was I so panicked to open the door I've done it so many times before what's different?'. finally composing myself once again, I opened the door to see the losers, 

"Hey Zav, we overheard what'd happened and wanted to make sure you were okay," Beverly said pulling me in a tight hug with the guys joining, Richie still mustn't be pleased with me cause he stood off to the side not saying anything, 

"Richie, stop being a dick and give her a hug she needs it more than anything right now and you being an uptight douche isn't helping" Eddie quietly snapped, pulling Richie in by the shirt collar.

"How'd you guys find out?" I asked holding back tears, 

"we overheard on the radio Mike has, all we heard was the officer McCoy had been in an accident, and that's when we all rushed over here storm or not we wanted to know you're okay," Stan said letting go, I let a small smile appeared on my face, still fighting tears. 

"you guys shouldn't have come during the storm just to see if I was okay, because yous now have to go back home in the rain, wait since I now don't have any legal guardians I guess you can all stay until the storms blow over, but only if you want" my eyes imedetly went to Richie knowing he'd have something to say, 

"I guess Richie because I know we've had our ups and downs you don't have to..." I was cut off by Richie,

 "no I'm staying, and what happened earlier just forget it, and I can't stop you from liking the asshole" he laughed cleaning the water drops off his glasses.

"So Zav, the word is you're with Bowers, is it true?" Stan asked making his way through the kitchen, 

"I'm not so sure with what's going on with me and Henry right now, but yes I was with Henry. I thought you all knew that already?" I question, they all shrugged the question off and sat in a circle.

"Bill should we fill Zav in on the plan about Neibolt street?" asked Eddie, 

"n..n...not yet" he whispered back, 

"Why do you wanna go to the old well house?" they jumped not knowing I could hear them talking, 

"it's an old house no one lives there and there really isn't anything in the house worth anything" I claimed, turning around to face them, but a look of worried filled both their faces, 

"Zav we didn't want you to hear it from us but it's where your dad crashed, we want to see if there's anything that could lead to why, you don't have to come if you don't want" mike assured, 

"I need answers to why he went rogue, I know he started drinking but that can't be the reason I know there's something different I just don't know what" I replied, the room then fell quiet until Beverly stood up, 

"who's up for a movie? to lighten the mood you know" everyone nodded at the idea. we all ended up agreeing on The Shining.

By the end of the movie Richie and Eddie ended up falling asleep together, Mike, Stan, Beverly, Bill, and I were all still up, 

"hey, guys look" Bill said pointing to Richie and Eddie, 

"I think we should do the same" mike suggested "yeah" we all said in unison.

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