Chapter 15

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It was weird being home, I haven't been home for around three weeks now and since there are only three more weeks left until I have to go back to school there was no point in making any plans cause knowing my dad has me grounded until the day he dies.

It felt like hours of just staring at the wall until I heard a car engine turn off. The panic mode had finally kicked in, I really hoped his reaction wouldn't be as bad as I was thinking it would be, the realization hit that I left my bag at the front door and it was too late for me to run and grab it. 

"Fucking hell, Zavanna honey are you home?" His voice sounds calm for once but it's been a few weeks and maybe he only got drunk once. 

"Hey dad" I hesitated to walk out to see him but it needed to be done. He threw his hat on the ground and picked me up in a tight hug, 

"where have you been?, I've been worried about you I thought I might have had to make a missing poster for you"

His tone turned bitter as he put me down, "you know if I lose you I have nothing left?" he grabbed hold of my arm so I couldn't run. 

"You promise you won't leave me again right?" he was getting closer and I could smell a faint scent of liquor in his breath, 

"dad you've been drinking, please let me go" I tried getting out of his grip but it was too tight. When he finally let go the room was silent. He turned around to sit himself down, so I took the chance to lock myself in my room.

The house fell quiet, it felt weird not having the guys around there was always something happening whether it is them play fighting, or picking on someone. I laid in bed hoping I'd fall asleep quickly but the sound of tapping at my window woke me, grumbling. I rolled over flicking my lamp to give me enough light to see who it was.

"VICTOR? what are you doing here?" I opened the window just enough for him to squeeze through, 

"I just wanted to make sure you were home cause I didn't get to say goodbye", 

"so you decided to wait until 2 in the morning?" he started laughing, 

"well no, I just wanted to wait long enough just in case your dad was still awake, I figured he'd be upset that you left." Vic moved closer sitting on my bed next to me, 

"This is probably the last time we'll see each other until school so I just wanted to say thanks for making this a summer to remember" I couldn't help but play with my hands. 

Smiling, he pushed me onto the bed climbing on top of me, "Vic w...what are you doing?" he ignored the question kissing up and down my neck. This wasn't like Vic at all, my hands when pinned by his knees so I couldn't move, I could feel him biting my neck leaving small love bites.

He moved up from my neck to my jawline all the way to my lips, I was trying my hardest to keep him off but I was stuck. Tears started forming in my eyes 

"Vic please" I tried mumbling through his lips. With no success I gave in, I started kissing him back, taking him by surprise. He stopped catching his breath resting his forehead against mine,

"you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," He muttered,

 "b..b.but what about Henry" shrugging his shoulders "he doesn't have to know" nodding in agreement he started kissing me again.

Things got heated pretty quickly, moments after we started kissing again our shirts went on the floor, my hands were in his hair. He slowly started tracing the top of my shorts, wishing to take them off, teasing him. I started rubbing his groin and playing with his belt. 

"Please" he tried speaking but I stopped him by flipping him onto his back making me sit on top of him. His hands started sliding down my body making their way to my hips. I could feel him start to get hard underneath me, he adjusted himself so he was leaning against the wall sitting me in his lap. He started kissing my neck again, I slid my hand down his chest making my way to his belt, he bit his lip jamming his eyes shut, "f..f..fuck" his stutter made me smile.

I started working my way down his body lining his chest with kisses, he started biting his fist keeping himself quiet. I started undoing his belt and started unzipping his pants. The realization still hadn't hit me that I was still with Henry and I was about to 'fuck' his best mate, teasing him I kissed the tip of his underwear, with the realization hitting me.

"W...Why'd you stop?" I sat back up to see his face turn from pleasure to hurt, 

"I'm sorry Vic but you know I'm with Henry and I don't want to hurt him and neither should you" he looked disappointed in me, 

" Vic please I'm sorry if I wasn't with Henry things would be different" he ignored my comment and started zipping his pants back up.

"If you really did mean all of what just happened you wouldn't have gotten with Henry in the first place" the tone his voice was in was enough to make me speechless, I've never heard him this upset about something. 

"I'll see you at school Zav" those were his final words before climbing out the window.

Days after that night with Vic the same thought kept going through my mind 'what would Henry do if he found out?'

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