Chapter 14

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When I woke all I saw was Mr. Bowers throwing his empty glasses at all of the boys. They were all defenseless, I wish I could've helped them but my whole body felt like it was glued to the ground. 

I managed to get enough strength to move myself to a wall and sit up. Vic saw me as a bottle was thrown at his head. While I was trying to get up I knocked over a bottle making it smash, Mr. Bowers slowly turned his head throwing the last bottle he had. 

"You think these boys are good enough to Protect you huh?" he knelt down and grabbed as much hair as he could dragging me across the room. He sat me in front of the boys, I could tell they wanted to help but they knew it would only make it worse. 

"NO!" Henry tried reaching out for me, only making him more infuriated than he was, 

"AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO BOY. YOU'RE WEAK AS PISS AND YOU KNOW IT" I saw Henry's face drop from that comment. Mr. Bowers still had hold of my hair, every time I tried moving he'd punch me. I could already feel my body being covered in bruises, one last punch was thrown at my stomach then the phone rang. He let go of my hair throwing my head on the ground. He picked up the phone and walked away leaving me on the ground and the boys against the wall. Glass was all over the room from the thrown bottles, Mr bowers came back in putting his uniform on "you little shits are lucky I tell ya" he finished buttoning up his shirt and slammed the door behind him.

Once the boys knew it was safe to move they rushed to my side. Henry couldn't hold in his fear. He placed his hands on my face making our eyes meet, he had even more cuts now than he did after the rock fight. The others rushed to get bags of frozen foods to place on my bruising, I was too sore to argue so I let them take care of me even though they needed it more.

I was too scared to sleep that night so I spent most of the night making sure the boys were safe. I was protective over them and they were the same to me, but I wish I could see the losers, but after becoming Henry's girlfriend. If they found out they would turn me into an outcast of the losers.

My mind started to drift to my dad, he's always been there for me and after he gets drunk once I run away, I haven't been home for three days now. All the days have become a blur, but being with the guys has given me something to do and something to look forward to whenever I wake up.

I checked on the guys one last time and they were all out cold which was a good thing, they needed sleep. Henry laid in his bed while the other laid on the floor. I decided to lay down next to Henry, when I pulled down the covers I saw all little scares lined up and down on his back, I wrapped my arm around his waist planting a kiss on his shoulder. He stirred a little bit rolling over. 

"How's the head?" he was half asleep and sounded drunk, 

"it's okay promise, how about you and all of your cuts?" he smiled and planted a kiss on my nose "they're fine".

I was woken by a small crack of sunlight that was peeking through the window. Henry was still sound asleep and so was Belch, Hockstetter and Vic were downstairs it was hard not to hear them laughing at each other. 

I went to get up when Henry snuggled in closer to me, his arm was tight around my hips, I saw the time on his alarm clock and it was '12:49', I should've been getting ready to face my dad after days of not going home. 

"Henry come on we have to get up" he groaned and pulled me closer,

"just a few more minutes please" he was too cute to say no to but today was an exception. 

"No Henry, come on we have to get up, I'm meant to be going home today if not your dad's going to drag me back there probably by my hair and I'm not going through that again, I just don't want to see you get hurt, and plus I really want some food." he lifted his arm letting me go before I walked downstairs I kicked Belch light enough in the slides to wake him up.

"Soo... Zav" Hockstetter stood beside me nudging my arm, I took a final sip from my drink placing it on the table, 

"what do you want now Pat?" he looked shocked at the nickname, 

"saw you and Henry last night, so are you like a thing or something?" he raised his eyebrows making me laugh, 

"or something I guess" his jaw dropped which wasn't a new reaction from him, 

"I really need to get home and Belch isn't up and none of you can drive other than him, and Henry isn't up so I can't say goodbye and I have no clue where Vic's at so I'm a bit lost right now" I started heading for the stairs to get my things from Henry's room to see him and Belch still asleep. 

Belch was snoring and Henry was hugging his pillow, I kissed his forehead and walked out. 

"So how do you plan on getting home Zav?" Hockstetter was standing in the doorway with his bag holding a note, "you know what I'm walking you home just so I can let Henry know you made it safely."

"You didn't have to do this, I'm fine walking home" I was trying my best to prove that I was fine but he wasn't buying it, 

"Zav I'm sorry but you can't get rid of me that easily just saying". The rest of the walk was quiet, we ended up passing the old well house which we didn't need to but it was a shortcut. We finally made it back, and I noticed that dad's car wasn't in the driveway so he must be at work. 

"Thanks for walking me home, I'll see you at school then I guess" I located my keys and opened the door to see Pat was nowhere to be seen. 

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