Chapter 15

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Jack's POV

So I have to go home today, sadly. I really don't want to leave my princess, especially right after my other best friend got here. I guess I'll see her on another visit. "Audrey get up" I said shaking her. "No cause then I'll have to send you home" she said on the verge of crying. What wrong with her? "Audrey baby what's wrong?" I asked. "Addison." She said. What? We haven't seen her in almost three weeks. "Audrey we haven't see her in almost three weeks. What's going on?" I asked. "I just don't want to lose you Jack." She said. "You aren't going to lose me peanut. What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to her on the bed and pulled her to my chest and kissed her forehead. "Okay so you know when you guys went to the candy table at MAGCON and I stayed behind?" She said as she sat up beside me. "Yeah?" "Well when you guys left, Addison came by and told me to basically watch out because according to her, you are hers and I need to 'be careful'." She said. "And I kept getting text messages saying the same things." "Why didn't you tell me peanut?" I asked. "I don't know, I guess I thought she would do something." She said. "You'll never lose me you big nut." I said laughing. "I don't want you to leave." She said. "Wait you're not leaving." "What are you talking about? I have to babe." I said as she jumped up and ran downstairs.

|Audrey's POV|

He's not leaving today. There is no way. I'll just have to convince my parents, but no way am I showing them those texts. "Dad!" I yelled as I jumped on his bed. I guess he doesn't have work today. "What Audrey it's to early. You are gonna wake your brother and sister" he said. "Are you really going to make Jack go home today?" I asked. "He has to, Nash said." he said. "Can't you talk to Nash please?" I begged. "Why don't you do that and let me sleep. I don't care if he stays." He said. Score!

"Bailey get up!" I yelled running in my room. "What I'm up!" she said waking up. "Ow ow ow ow!" I yelled as I stubbed my toe. "That's what you get for waking me up." Bailey said laughing. "Babe calm down" Jack said. "Jack let me see my phone. Ow that really hurt." I said as he gave me my phone and I opened FaceTime with Nash! "Audrey why are you FaceTiming my dad?" Jack asked. "Ooh I miss Nash, I want in." Bailey said as she got in the FaceTime. "And why is his name Nashley in you phone?" Jack asked. "Cuz it's fun-oh hey Nash!" I said as our FaceTime connected. "Hey baby girl. What's up?" He asked. "Hey Nash!" Bailey said. "Hey Bailey." Nash said. "Hey Hamilton!" Nash said. "Ugh dad it's Jack!" Jack said laughing. "So Nash will you do me a favor?" I asked. "It depends on the favor" Nash said. "Well I was wondering, since Bailey got here yesterday, can Jack maybe stay until Bailey leaves at least?" I asked. "I don't know. He hasn't been home in a while." He said. "Please" I said pulling my puppy dog eyes. "Good lord Aud!" Nash said laughing. "Let me talk to Ryleigh. I will be right back." He said as he sat his phone down.

A couple minutes later Nash picked up the phone again. "Okay Jack, your mom said you can stay but she needs to know how long your staying for cause Bella is going crazy without her bubba and we miss you." Nash said. "Uhh well Bailey is kind of staying for like 3 weeks." I told Nash with an innocent smile. "He's staying for another three weeks" Nash told Ryleigh. "I guess that's okay." She said. "Just please talk to Bell before you hang up." "Hey Bell" we all said as Bella appeared on the screen. "Hey gu-BUBBA!" She said as she realized Jack was here. "Hey Bell" he said. "When are you coming home? I miss you" she said almost crying. "Aww Bell, don't cry. I'll come home soon okay?" He told her. "Okay. I love you." She told him as she blew him a kiss. "Love you too." He said as he blew one back. "Gotta go okay?" "Okay" she said and we hung up. "See, I told you you weren't going home." I told Jack.

"Audrey!" Bailey yelled. "Bailey!" I yelled. "Jack!" Jack yelled and we busted out laughing. "Okay for real, I'm hungry." Bailey said. "Okay let's go make breakfast." I said. "Wait do you have Pop-Tarts?" Jack asked. "Yeah do you just want one of those?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen. "Uhh duh!" Jack yelled. "Jack be quiet. Cassie and Braxton AND mom and dad are still asleep." I said as I playfully slapped him. "Sorry" he whispered as we all got a Pop-Tart and walked back to my room.

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