Summer love (Will)

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(Okay so this preference is gonna be really long so, I guess I'll make each band member a part... Enjoy )

*Will's p.o.v*

I was outside my house eating an ice cream with my best friend y/n. Y/n and I had been best friends since kindergarten and since then, my feelings for her have soured. Everything about her was beautiful and amazing. Even though I knew my chances with her were about 1%.

"Done" y/n said finishing the last of her ice cream

"I'll take that" I said standing up and taking her cone our hands touched for a second and I thought about the day she would be mine.

Once I put the ice cream paper in the trash we walked to the park. Mostly because we always used to hang out there and talk.

Y/n sat on the swings, I sat next to her.

"Remember when we used to play hide and go seek here?" She asked me

"Yeah" I said laughing " those were the days" she giggled

"And do you remember, when I first met you?"

There was a pause of silence "yeah... I do"

(Flash Back)

I was sitting on the slide on the playground with a whole bunch of angry 5-6 year olds behind me. I slid down ignoring there whines and angry scowls.

When I looked towards my right I saw a girl with long gorgeous hair and tears In her eyes, apparently one of the spoiled brats took away the toy she got for her birthday.

"Is okay" I remember saying "you can have mine" I have her one of my favorite Pokemon figurines "r-really" she sniffled "yeah"

Ever since then we always been buddies and maybe we could possibly be more.

(Back to the present)

Y/n and I swung on the swings till it became super chilly and the wind was blowing roughly.

I hugged my best friend close to me, "t-thanks" she said "maybe we should go inside" "yeah" I held y/n close to me and we walked inside.

"Did you ask her yet?' My mom asked me as I shut he door and y/n made her way to the fireplace.

"No mom I-" my mom cut me off "did you ask her to be your gf"

"Girlfriend?" Y/n asked me

I gave in sitting on the couch "yes, will you? You don't have to if you dont want "
"Will I would love too!!!" Y/n said running into my arms, I couldn't have smiled bigger than I had that day.

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