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You sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend Will to come home, he always came home at around 12noon, depending on if he was finishing up a song or working on another for an Ep/album.

You sighed, walking into the kitchen and grabbing yourself a snack while putting some dishes into the dishwasher. Today was one of your stay inside and do nothing days.

You were exhausted from the busy week you had because recently it was Mother's Day and where you worked was super busy from all the late shoppers.

You plopped down on the couch and shoveled food into your mouth, reaching for the remote you switched on the T.V. and turned on your favorite show. You sighed getting comfortable and just enjoying yourself.

Suddenly the door opened and in came Will, he looked exhausted and ready to collapse but he managed to reach the couch and sit next to you.

"how was your day?" you asked him

"It was great! I got 5 songs done" Will said happily

"Wow! that's great Will, you sound exhausted"

"I am" Will said laughing and laying his head on your lap while looking up at you. You smiled at him, messing with his hair.

Eventually You and Will ended up cuddling and falling asleep right next to each other.


You and Cole decided to take a walk down to the park and maybe the lake, because it was a beautiful day and where you lived you loved to watch the sun set over the trees and slowly allow the stars to appear. 

You both walked hand in hand down the sidewalk and across the road, you weren't quite there yet but you were getting close.

After a couple minutes of silence you looked over at Cole who was already gazing at you, "what are you looking at?" you asked even though it was obvious.

"You" he said


"Because I know it might sound cheesy but I found the most beautiful girl in the world"

You blushed looking away, Cole loved making you blush and he was really good at it. "you're too much" you said giggling

"what does that mean" Cole asked

"I don't deserve you, you're so sweet and kind and I love you so much"

"I love you too, and you deserve everything in the world, it's me who doesn't deserve you" Cole said winking at you, you smiled lightly.

Finally both of you turned into the area with the playground and huge lake, you and Cole ran towards the lake like children and then stopped, gazing out into the huge lake, everything seemed so perfect just him and you and the world.

Suddenly you felt arms cross in front of you and Cole hugged you from behind, laying his head on your shoulder. "It's so beautiful" you whispered as to not break the silence, "it is, it reminds me of you" Cole said

You could feel him smiling still looking at the sun setting, getting tired of standing you both laid in the grass and stared up into the sky that you lived under, it felt like seconds when the sun disappeared and out came the star filled night.

The stars twinkled just like they did every night and you could see how the sky always looked beautiful whether it was bright as the sun or dark as the night. You laid your head on Cole's shoulder and held onto him as if he would disappear into the night.

You already knew that Cole would never leave you even if you both fought sometimes, but you always still loved each other and you didn't want that to disappear.

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