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Will asked you to come to his place over night because you had just got out of school and an overnight hangout sounded amazing. For some reason when Will invited you in awkwardly he was more awkward..... Than awkward.

He seemed more out of his comfort zone then he usually was, and his face was really red. You asked him a couple of times if he was alright and he would just stutter and say he's fine.

While you guys were up all night watching a movie, Will kept on shifting uncomfortably next to you.
"Are you alright?" You asked
"I'm okay" he said brushing it off
"Are you sure? I can always leave" you said
"Well actually y/n?" Will said fidgeting
"I- I have something to tell you" Will said scooting a little closer to you
"Well I, umm, I , well you see"
"Spit it out" you said
"IreallyreallyreallylikeyouandIdontknowifyoulikemebackand.." He took a deep breathe slowing down "I don't know if you like me back, I've had a crush on you for awhile and.... Oh my gosh I shouldn't have said anything" Will covered his face with his hands, embarrassed.

You were quite surprised, you never realized that Will had feelings for you just thinking about it made you tingle inside. "I really like you too" you said a bit over a whisper.

Will looked up, the most heartfelt smile on his face and he pulled you into him and hugged you. It was the most comforting, especially since you didn't have to hide your feelings from him.

"THE DOORS OPEN" You heard Cole yell from inside his house. You slowly opened the door to see Cole building a small fort.
"Do you like it" Cole said standing up, immediately the fort fell and Cole sat down groaning.
"Can I help" you asked setting your stuff down in a chair.
"Sure" Cole said throwing a pillow at you. "Thanks" you said catching the pillow before it hit you in the face.

It took both of you about 30 minutes to an hour just to make the perfect fort. Cole turned on the T.V and you watched whatever was on, you laid right next to Cole inside the fort, your head in his shoulder.

You were both best friends but somehow you knew that Cole wanted to be more. Suddenly the power cut off causing you to scream. Cole laughed and got up holding your hand and leading you through the dark to turn the lights back on.

His hand on yours was the most comforting and you held onto it until he turned the lights back on. "You almost broke my ear drums" Cole complained
"Your welcome" you said sarcastically

You had known Dana for awhile and today was the first time you were sleeping over his house. You had no idea if anyone else was coming because Dana refused to tell you.

You walked up to the front door and rang the door knob. A few minutes later Dana appeared in the door way, wearing a T- shirt and pajama pants.
"Come in" he said opening the door for you

Once you had set your stuff on the nearest couch Dana invited you to sit next to him on the floor. "Okay there's two places we can sleep" he said "in the basement in the couch, or here on the couch"

"I guess right here is good" you said smiling, "cool" Dana spread out the blankets and out a pillow on the couch for you.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked you
"Alright, I'm making popcorn you can choose the movie"

While Dana was in the kitchen you went through the series of movies and chose one.
He came back with popcorn in his hair, and a bag of chips.

"Where's the popcorn?"
"Ohhhhhhh right" Dana rushed to the kitchen coming back with a half empty bowl, you shook your head and rolled your eyes, laughing.

Once you both got comfortable on the couch, the lights where turned off and he movie had just started. During the movie Dana was scooting closer too you, he was trying to ,are it not noticeable but he was failing miserably.

Finally he sat right next to you and unexpectedly held your hand, the butterflies came rushing and your heart betted 10 times faster. You had a crush on Dana but you kept that to yourself and only your closest friends knew.

The movie was over and Dana already had his arm around you and pulled you close, your head lying on his shoulder. He turned to look at you so you pretended to be asleep, Dana kissed your forehead and you stiffened.

"One day I'll tell you how I feel" he whispered

You say on David's couch as he scrambled around getting blankets and pillows and beverages and snacks.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" You asked him
"Nahh I got it" he said, sometimes David would hot out of his way just to do stuff for you, you would always appreciated the gestures.

Finally David was settled with everything and everything was set up.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked you
"Uhhh he can play a game" you said
"cool uhh, Xbox, Wii, game board "

You thought for a second until you came up with Wii. David helped you pic out a game witch was super Mario bros. he made you laugh and giggle all night.

Once both of you had calmed down David went to the kitchen saying is was going to get 'candy'. When he came back out he was holding a ring, "David.. I.. What is this?" You fumbled with your words.

"I really really like you y/n... I - I like you so much that it might be love.. Will you please be my girlfriend"

It took you a second to take all this in, so you could find your voice. Eventually you accepted his request and became the happy couple you knew you would be.

This was the second time you had a sleepover with Your crush. Except it was different this time, this time no one else was coming over it would just be you and him.

You went through all Gabes movies, and video games and board games until you though of something else.

"Hey Gabe" you called he came towards you "do you want to play would you rather?" You asked shyly his face was inches away from yours.
"Sure " he said sitting across from you

"who will go first" you asked him
"you can"
"Okay " you said "would you rather have everyone hate you or everyone love you"
"Uhhh" Gabe thought for a second " everyone love, would you rather eat snail or eat bugs"
"Ewwww.. I'd rather eat snails" you said a disgusted look still in your face "would you rather die in ice or die in fire" you asked
"Ice" he said immediately, he was quiet for a second till he asked the next 'would you rather' "would you rather date me or Cole" he said

"I uhh, I umm, well I" your face was getting red so you looked down "you" you said barely over a whisper you were surprised when he heard your answer.

"I would date you too" Gabe said looking into your eyes

<okay so sorry for the long wait, so much has been going on, and I keep on running out of ideas.... If you have any just comment or message me, I'll get right to it>

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