Happy Halloween

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You and Will walked out of the house with your Halloween costume and goodie bags obviously  because no one is too old for trick or treating.

You both walked down the street hand in hand, your Neighbours had laughed seeing both of you on the street trick or treating but they gave you candy anyway.

"It's cold" You complained, the only reply you got was smacking, you looked over to see Will eating your candy.

"What?" He said
"That's my candy!" You said
"Oops..?" He said in a not apologetic way, Will stuck his tongue out at you and you did he same.

Once you and Will were done trick or treating, you both ran home and went on a sugar high.

You and Cole were walking down the street to get to Gabes Halloween party, you both were really excited you were dressed as a bunny and Cole was a werewolf.

Finally you made it to Gabes house and Cole knocked on the door, soon enough Alex opened the door and welcomed you both in.

Alex was dressed as a witch and Gabe was batman, the inside of his house had Monster snacks and spoopy Halloween music.

You and Cole danced and talked to Gabe and Alex and it was an all around fun night.

You and Dana decided to spend your Halloween going to some of the Haunted houses.

"Dana stay close, you know you get scared easily" You said pulling Dana through the house

"No I dont" Dana complained
"Shush! Did You hear that?" You asked him, Dana shook his head no and rolled his eyes.
"You're paranoid" he said

Suddenly a zombie popped out from behind a door and you screamed throwing Dana at it. "Heyyyyyy" Dana said running the other direction.

You and Dana ran through the haunted house getting spooked and jump scared, both of you were out of breathe when you ran out.

"That vampire was on your tail" Dana huffed
"So was the clown on yours" you laughed

You and David weren't doing anything special for Halloween just watch scary movies and give candy to the kids coming to the front door.

Once the knocking and tricker treaters calmed down, you and Dabid both settled down to watch your favorite scary movie.

You hid in Davids shirt when the scary stuff pooped onto the screen and David laughed at you enjoying you being this close to him.

"You can open your eyes now" he said smiling, you peeked out from your hiding place watching the main character escape all the monsters or run into a dead end.

Once the movie was over you didn't move from were you laid next to David, since you had a busy schedule you and David didn't get to see each other a lot so it was hard staying in contact when you were both busy.

You were really happy for once that you got a break on Halloween and so was David.

Suddenly you felt drove and you knew David could tell, "want to go to bed" he asked
"No" you mumbled closing your eyes and falling asleep on his chest.

You and Gabe decided that going to six flags on Halloween would be an awesome idea, you'd both get to get dressed up ride rides and of course get spooked which was always fun.

You held Gabes hand walking through the entrance the fight hour had just began so all the people dressed to scare were creeping out.

"Can we go on that ride" you said pointing at the ride called Apocalypse
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Yes" you said running towards the entrance

Once you both got on the ride you had a lot of fun and after instead of going on anymore rides you just walked around the Amusement park getting jump scared and watching monster shows.

You and Gabe had a lot of fun and when it was all over you both drive home got in your pajamas and just chilled.

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