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You stood outside of the gate that Will was suppose to meet you, butterflies flutters in your stomach. You hadn't seen will for 3 weeks and frankly that was the longest you've gone without seeing him.

You checked the time, he should be coming out of the gate in about 10 minutes. You were so excited that your hands were shaking as if the butterflies wasn't bad enough.

Finally the gate opened and you stood there looking over the crowd, spotting your boyfriend. It felt like it was just you and him when you ran towards him and jumped into his arms, hugging him and giving him all the kisses he missed.

"I missed you will" you whispered, still holding him close
"I missed you too"

You sat at home eating a bowl of cereal, your boyfriend Cole was away at tour and he wouldn't be back until Monday morning which was three days away. Your excitement grew as each day passed, but as usual everyday without him felt like a year.

You finished your bowl of cereal and put it in the sink, walking upstairs when suddenly the door bell rang. You don't remember inviting anyone over, but you walk slowly to the door, opening it.

There stood Cole with a bundle of roses in his hand, you stood there shocked and emotions overwhelmed you. "I'm home " Cole said smiling, bring you back to reality.

You cried, clinging onto him "I missed you" you sobbed.

Cole was holding you to his chest now, "I missed you too, please don't cry" he said
"Too late" you said smiling through the tears

It was about 12 at night and you sat on your bed scrolling through your news feed. Your boyfriend, Dana wouldn't be home till late tomorrow night. You hadn't seen him for a month so you couldn't sleep.

Suddenly you heard a loud crash from downstairs, like someone had broke into your house. Your breathe hitched and you immediately turned of your room light, slowly creeping out of your bedroom and into the kitchen to get a knife.

You grabbed the knife and felt hands on your waist, screaming you spun around about to stab someone.

"JESUS!" Dana shrieked falling backwards, away from the blade
"DANA! You can't just do that! Your lucky I didn't stab you.... Wait what are you doing here?" You Yelled
"Uh... Surprise?" Dana said

You threw the knife on the counter and jumped on Dana, planting a million kisses on his face.

"I missed you" you said smiling widely
"I missed you too" Dana said kissing your lips

It was 2 in the afternoon and y/f/n was dragging you to the park for some reason. They wouldn't tell you why, so you just went along with it. They made you wear a mask on your face so you couldn't see and now you stood, who knows where and y/f/n wasn't answering your questions.

"Can I take it off now," you asked .... No reply

You sighed, getting aggravated. Suddenly you heard foot steps walking towards you
"You can take it off now" a familiar voice said

Nothing could prepare you for what happened next. There he was, your boyfriend standing directly in front of you. Tears rolled down your cheeks, you missed him so much but you never let yourself think about it too much. Now the emotion was too much to contain.

David hugged you, while you sobbed on his chest.
"I... I missed you" you said in between sobs
"I missed you too" David said kissing your forehead

You got ready to pick up Gabe from the airport, stepping into your favorite shoes you walked out your door grabbing the keys and starting the car.

Soon you were off, onto the highway to get your boyfriend. Once you reached the airport you called Gabe to ask what exit he would be at. He gave you direction and you parked in front of the exit waiting outside the car for your boyfriend.

10 minutes had gone by and you still hadn't spotted him, you tried calling his cell but he didn't pick up. He got lost again.. Didn't he.. You thought

That was when you saw Gabe with his luggage walking slowly towards you. You couldn't wait, so you ran to him jumping into his grasp.

Gabe kissed your cheek, Golding you close as if you were slipping away from him.
"I missed you" he whispered
"I missed you too"

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