You hurt yourself

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You were running around the backyard while Will chased you, acting like the childish person you were. Both you and Will ran towards the small swing set that sat in your backyard.

Since it had rained the previous night, the ground was super muddy and slippery and running wasn't a good idea. Before you could reach the swing set, you skidded and fell scrapping your knee.

"Y/n!!" Will yelled running towards you

You held your knee not wanting to look at it if it looked exactly as it felt. "Let me see" Will said slowly trying to move your knee to a place were he could examine it. Wincing you turned your knee over to see it covered in mud and blood, you looked away trying to ignore the image you just saw.

"Give me your hand" Will said after taking a good look at your knee, you reached your hand out and he pulls you up and carries you to the house. Once inside the house, he places you carefully onto the couch and disappears off into another room.

You pulled out your phone trying to ignore the pounding in your knee. Will finally comes back with some wound cleaning wipes and a bandage. Before he puts the wipe on your wound he looks you dead in the eye and says "this might hurt a little, but it'll be over soon"

You nod your head, biting your lip when the wipe touches your skin. Once Will was done cleaning your wound he put the bandage on and you were done. "Thank you will" you say smiling, Will smiles back at you, kissing your forehead "anything for you"

You and Cole were getting ready to go to your best friends party. Your BFF was having a get together party and you were really excited to go, so you ran up the steps trying to figure out what you wanted to wear and what shoes and jewelry would match your outfit.

You only had about 2 hours and to you that wasn't enough because it took you forever to figure out what you wanted to wear. Once you chose your outfit, you ran into the bathroom to get dressed and put on makeup.

Finally your outfit was completed with your favorite shoes, "Ready!!!" You yelled down the steps. Cole was downstairs waiting for you so you ran down the steps but accidentally missed a step.

"ahhhhhhhhhh" you screamed tumbling down the steps, you felt your ankle crack and a horrible pain followed afterward. Cole came rushing toward you with a worried expression. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" He asked kneeling down to help you up but failing to do so.

You shook your head 'no' biting your lip to stop the tears from falling down your cheek. "What hurts?" Cole asked, you pointed to your ankle "I think I twisted my ankle" you said barely above a whisper.

Cole picked you up carefully and laid you on the couch, "I'll be right back with the elastic bandage" Cole said walking away, and coming back within a few minutes with a bandage. Cole carefully wrapped the bandage around your ankle and set it straight.

"Do you want to stay home?" Cole asked
"I guess.." You muttered a bit disappointed that you sprained your ankle, " I'll text y/bff/n and tell her we're not coming"
"okay" Cole said laying next to you, "Netflix and chill it is"
You glared at Cole "shut up" you said laughing

You and Dana were going to enjoy a nice stroll by the beach, you both brought your skateboards and skated towards the beach. Dana was skating beside you holding your hand as he speeded towards the beach.

The wind whipped through your hair making it really hard to see sense your hair was growing wild. (Hint hint :P) when you were about a mile away from the beach you skateboard zipped from under you and you fell onto the concrete road.

"Y/N" Dana yelled immediately stopping and running towards you, you tried to stand up and that was when the pain from your knee shot towards your nervous system. "Ughh" you groaned, using a shaky hand you examined your wound.

The road made a pretty big scar on your leg, your knee was bleeding were the skin was ripped off. "Great" you muttered through the pain, "let me help you up" Dana said giving you a hand and pulling you onto your feet. It felt like the pain got 7 times worst, you winced putting more weight onto your other foot.

Dana picked up both of the skateboards and you both trudged back to the house. Once you and Dana got inside he let you sit on the toilet seat and looked under the bathroom sink for the bandages, and the water to clean the wound.

"Okay this is going to hurt a lot" Dana said before pouring the water onto your wound. "Aghhhh thanks for the warning" you cried, Dana shyly smiled before putting a bandaid on your scab.

"Sorry for ruining the night" you muttered
"You didn't ruin the night" Dana said "I'm just glad you're okay"
"As okay as I can be" you said

You and David were working together to direct a play for the elementary kids to perform. You walked into the school theater with your clipboard, and pencil hidden behind your ear.

You saw David on the stage talking to the kids, he smiled and waved at you as you walked into the theater room. "Finally on time" he said jumping off the stage
"Shush you were late last time" you said causing the kids to laugh

"Okay anyway, Stephanie I want you front and center, Abigail you stand by the table and Samantha I want you to be standing in the door way. The rest of you can sit at tables remember PRETEND to eat the food! Don't actually eat it. IM TALKING TO YOU JEREMY!" David said

"1... 2... 3... ACTION!" I yelled and the kids practiced their parts, "so how's your job" David asked me keeping his eyes on the kids. "It's great, I'm so glad I found a job that I actually like, it's not even a job for me" you replied smiling
"That's great y/n!" David said


"Okay that's a wrap!" David said clapping and going over to high five all the kids. You high five the kids as they walk out the door. Placing your fingers on the other side of the door were the middle bar and door closes.

You were just about to leave when the door slammed on your fingers "OWWW" you practically yelled. You yanked your fingers away from the door only making the pain worse.

"Are you okay" David asked looking at your fingers
"I think I need to go to the nurse" you winced
"I'll wait outside the door for you" David said

You went to the nurse who bandaged your fingers and gave you a lollipop because you sooooooooooo needed one.

"I want a lollipop" David whined
"Too bad" you laughed sticking your tongue out

David held the door open for you as you both left the school. "Thanks spidey" you said blushing.
"You're welcome honey"

You and Gabe were playing a game of tag inside the house, you ran up the steps and hid under your bed. You could hear Gabes foot steps treading behind you, you slammed the door in his face and practically leaped under the bed.

Seconds later the door swung open and Gabe ran in looking everywhere for you. "I wonder where she went" he said to himself, that was when you felt a hand grab your ankle and pulled you from under the bed.

"Ahhhh" you shrieked giggling, Gabe started tickling you and you moved around uncontrollably laughing like a mad man.

That was when your elbow slammed into one of the legs on the bottom of your bed. "Ow" you winced holding your elbow
"Oh sorry!" Gabe practically yelled and then laid on the floor hugging you with his arms around your waist until the pain subsided.

"It's okay" you said taking a deep breathe
"I didn't mean to" Gabe said
"I know" you said reaching back and messing with Gabes hair

You both laid on the floor for awhile, then Gabe stood up and pulled you up with him. After that you and Gabe just cuddled on the bed for awhile.

Okay so I know I know.. I haven't been updating for awhile and I'm trying to get back but I have school and I'm reading this book and yeah mostly I'm distracted and concentrating on other things! (And I know I make the same excuse everytime) but I'm trying to get back to 2-3 prefrences/ imagines every weekend. So hopefully that'll come back... Maybe.. Thanks anyways for reading this book! I seriously never thought I'd get anywhere with this so, it means a lot that you guys are reading my books! XD

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