Imagine for Kami

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(Thank you for waiting so patiently CutieKami2004 I literally say this every time but I'm sorry it took me forever! I have all my request down on my phone I haven't forgotten any of them, it just takes me forever to get to them. Any way I hope you enjoy your imagine and its not to short for you) 

Today was not your day, everything was not going your way. You woke up in a terrible mood and then you fell off your bed to start the day. You were out of your favorite breakfast meal and that was only the beginning of things. 

Just as things were getting worst, the day took an awful turn, you sat at the table eating an exceptional breakfast and scrolling through your phone when you saw a new picture that your boyfriend Blake posted. You clicked on the photo which showed a photo of Blake and his ex together smiling, just then a few videos popped onto his account and the caption said "I'm so happy that I got my poo bear back, I wont stop loving you Lexie" 

You were in such a shock that you felt no emotion until a few seconds later, as if things weren't horrible already, your boyfriend texted you after posting those video and photos. You opened your text messages slowly and shakily. 

boyfriend: Hey Kami... things aren't really working between us, I think we should break up. 

Kami: I....I dont understand 

blake: its whatever, I just don't want to be with you anymore. I found someone else

Kami: I cant believe you would do this to me.... drop me for your ex 

blake: bye. lose my number 

You threw your phone across the room where it landed on the couch. Tears blurred your vision and for a moment you couldn't tell whether you were mad or sad... maybe a little bit of both. You sobbed until there were no more tears that you felt like shedding. 

You heard your phone ringing.. someone was calling you. Slowly you stood up and walked towards the phone picking it up. The caller ID showed up as your best friend Cole.. he probably saw the pictures your boyfriend posted. 

Without thinking you answered the phone, pulling it up to your ear. 

" Kami are you okay?" Cole asked hesitantly, you shook your head 'no' before replying

"I'm horrible" you said barely over a whisper

"I will be right over, stay were you are" Cole said after a long silence 

" trust me I'm not going anywhere" 

You sat on the couch waiting for Cole to show up and not even ten minutes later you heard the door bell ring. You opened the door, looking up into Cole's worried eyes. You knew that you probably looked a mess after your long episode of crying but you didn't care because your best friend always saw you on your good and bad days. Cole probably knew you more than you knew yourself. 

Cole enveloped you in a hug and that was when more tears spilled out, tears you thought you didn't have. Cole walked you to the couch, closing the front door, you both sat on the couch, his arms around you and your head on his shoulder. " Do you want to talk about it?" Cole asked. You sighed before speaking about how everything went wrong that day. 

************************** a week later *******************************

You were hanging out at Cole's place with your other friends Anna, Gabe, David, Will, Dana and even Dalton. You all were playing an old school game called truth or dare, it was Cole's turn "Kami, truth or dare" 

"uh.. dare" you said coming to a decision 

"I dare you to drink whatever I give you" Cole said standing up to go to the kitchen

"OH GOD" you said covering your mouth 

"get ready" Cole said smirking before he disappeared into the kitchen

Finally Cole came back with his concoction of something. " This isn't poisonous right?" you asked 

"shouldn't be" Cole said waiting for you to take a sip. You hesitantly took a sip before spitting it out immediately. 

"what was that?" you asked setting the cup down 

"Macaroni and cheese powder" 

"I am going to kill you" You jumped on Cole and you could hear everyone laughing. You and Cole wrestled for awhile before he pinned you down. You were trying to catch your breathe and so was Cole, he had pinned you down by the arms so that he was on top of you. 

You looked up at him, seeing a twinkle in his eye and it was not one of friendship but love. 

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