He teaches you

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You always wanted to learn how to play the ukulele, and since your boyfriend Will knew how to, he was the first person you went to once you bought your own instrument.

You left the store feeling accomplished with yourself, this was one of the instruments you've always wanted to learn how to play, and now that you had time to learn how to play it. Nothing could stop you.

You drove home happily and parked the car before taking your instrument and unlocking your front door to walk inside your apartment.

It wasn't a surprise that Will was already there, he was in the kitchen eating chipotle.
"Did you get me any?" You whined greedily
"Duhhh" Will said holding up your favourite meal from chipotle, You giggled happily and sat next to him taking your food.

"You would not believe what I got today" you said excitedly
"What did you get?" Will said looking at you curiously
"A ukulele " You said flailing your arms around like the fangirl you are

"Ohhhh can I see it?" Will said, you could tell he was just as excited as you were

You nodded your head and stood up to get the beauty that was your ukulele.
"Can you teach me how to play" you said handing the ukulele to Will
"Of course!!" Will said holding your instrument gently

You and Will started practicing how to play together later that day, and with each strum your connection grew.


Today was a very sunny day and to make things even better, it was also a day off for you and Cole. You both decided to go out and Cole was going to teach you how to go pokemon hunting.

You obviously couldn't go out without looking like a pokemon catcher, so the both of you put on your Ash Ketchum hats and backpacks making you look like your'e going on a great adventure, which you were.

Today the Pokemon Go game had just been released and Cole already knew how to use it so he offered to show you which you said yes happily to.

Within seconds, You and Cole dashed out the door and down the street to catch some Pokemon.

The first Pokemon to show up on your street was a Zubat, you frantically pressed on it and prepared yourself.

"Cole what do I do?" You asked

"Your'e gonna hold the pokeball with your finger and then toss the ball, not the phone towards the Pokémon" Cole instructed

It took you a few try's before you actually got it and once that was over, you and Cole both were catching Pokémon left and right.

Today Dana had dance class and he promised to bring you along sense it was kind of a one on one lesson with just the teacher and him. Dana, of course, had already asked the teacher if he could bring you along and she said yes.

So now, you were packing your dance bag with all the stuff Dana said you might need, sneakers, towel, water bottle and other essentials.

"Ready to go?" He asked you before opening the front door
"As ready as I'll ever be" you chuckled before heading out the door with him and locking the front door.

It only took 15 minutes to get there and once you had arrived, you gazed at the building in awe.

It was pretty big and intimidating but Dana grasped your hand reassuring you that it would be fine and fun nevertheless.

Dana went through the front doors and down a few hall ways making turns here and there before reaching the class door.
"My teachers name is Mrs. Clara" Dana reminded you before pushing the door open.

Sure enough, Mrs. Clara was in there stretching and she stopped when she notices you and Dana coming in.

"Hello y/n" she said to you shaking your hand "I'm Clara"
"Nice to meet you" you smiled politely
"I've heard so much above it you" Mrs.Clara giggled

Dana blushed immediately scratching he back of his head.

"You have?" You asked
"Yeah, Dana talks about you non stop" She said
"He does" you said glancing at Dana
"How about we start class now" Dana said interrupting obviously embarrassed
"Okay" Mrs. Clara said

Soon enough You and Dana were dancing side by side and letting the music flow through your body. Dana would help you here and there and show you how to do this or that.

After class you and Dana had learned a whole dance routine and Mrs.Clara recorded the whole choreography.

"Have you watched the Avengers?" David asked
"One, but I don't really understand it" you said

It had been three hours sense you answered Davids small little question and you had no idea why something so small could turn into something so big so quickly.

Three hours!!!! Three hours had passed and all David talked about was the Avengers and their origin and what's going on in the movies and also the comics. But mostly the movies sense they were easier for people who weren't huge huge fans to understand.

"So the Avengers are a group of super heroes that some how got powers, or made their own power and are using it for the greater good" you asked

"Yes basically, tell me all the Avengers name and what their power is" David asked quizzing you

"Okay Uhm, there's Captain America whose real name is Steve Rogers and he's a super soldier, Iron man aka Tony Stark and he's kinda like a superhuman in an Iron suit, Black widow aka Natasha Romanova, she's like a super spy, Hawk eye aka Clint Barton he's like a guy Katniss everdeen, and then there hulk aka Bruce banner and he's insane"

"Very very good" David laughed

You giggled shaking your head "you're ridiculous"

"No you are" David said smiling and kissing your cheek


Today you and Gabe were going to spend the whole day in the studio creating your own music and the goal was to have 4 songs written. Due to the fact that you had never written a song and used the tools that Gabe does to add music, you didn't know if you would be able to reach the goal but it didn't hurt to try.

You and Gabe arrived at the studio at 7 in the morning and had everything set up by 7:30. First you and Gabe worked on the song lyrics which you both decided would be a duet.

I was all alone before I found you, and you were my  hero

The closer we got the more we attached made me feel safer

So don't leave me alone, baby, don't let me go

You are my home

Throughout the day Gabe showed you how to add music and record yourself using the mic that was in a separate room and eventually you and Gabe reached your goal of 4 songs.

"We did it!!" You exclaimed excitedly
"Yes we did" Gabe giggled shaking his head "you did a great job!"
"So did you" you smiled

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