Star gazing

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You lay next to will holding his hand. You both were gazing at the stars, everything seemed perfect. You couldn't imagine how it could get any better.

You shivered as a small breeze brushed past, Will stood up leaving you only to get a blanket and you both snuggled watching the star filled sky.

"hey y/n a wishing star" Will pointed out, you both closed your eyes and silently made a wish. "What did you wish for?" You asked Will

"It's a secret" he said staring into your eyes, you pouted "please?"
"I'll tell you it when it comes true" he said scooting closer, your breathe hitched.

Will never was this close to you. You stared into his eyes for awhile until he looked away feeling uncomfortable. Suddenly he hugged you close and you laid your head on his chest.

Being this close to him made you feel something that you had never felt before... Maybe it was love.

Cole held your hand in the dark the only light that came was from the stars that sprinkled the sky. You giggled as you and Cole ran up a steep hill which was where your old tree house was.

Once you reached the old tree house, Cole started climbing up.
"It's gonna break!" You yelled up
"no it isn't!" Was his reply
"How do you know?"
"Well.. You never know unless you try" Cole said reaching out to help you up, his eyes mesmerized you and you took his hand.

Once you where both in the tree house you immediately went to the window to gaze out at the stars.

"Remember when we use to do this every day?" You asked Cole after a while of silence
"yeah, I remember"
"I miss those days" you said
" me too " He said barely over a whisper

You turned towards him and one thing lead to another and you were kissing.
You finally broke apart not really sure what had just happened, but something did and words couldn't even describe the Love you felt for Cole.

Dana told you to meet him at the kids park so you walked towards him. It was dark out side and stars littered the sky, it was beautiful you would admit but you had no idea why Dana would invite you out so late.

Once you reached your destination you spotted Dana on the ground with a blanket and a basket.

"Mid night picnic?" He asked lifting an eyebrow
"Sure" you said breaking into a smile, you still had no idea what he was up too but you were liking it.

"Juice pouch my lady?" He asked taking out a Capri sun
You laughed, shaking your head 'yes' he handed you the juice and took out sandwiches.

You both were finally situated and gazing up at the stars. "Why did you invite me here, so late?" You asked

You noticed how Dana was quiet for a second, then he finally spoke. "Well, I just wanted to say-" there was a moment of silence and you could tell that Dana was running something through his head and his expression showed concern as if he wasn't so sure any more.

"Earth to Dana" you said waving a hand in front of his face, "oh right! What I wanted to say was, well y/n I've known you for 5 years and I always have liked you and I'm asking you to be my bae, but I don't want to ruin this friendship"

It was silent for awhile as you downloaded all this information, so it's true, he really did like you.

"Dana, I want to be more than friends too" you said looking into his eyes

"Really?" He asked

"Yes really" you said smiling

"So it's official "

"Yes Dana it's official"

Dana hugged you, and things started to get better.


You and David snuck unto the roof of a building, you held your breathe as you saw the beautiful outline of the sun setting over the city and soon the stars appeared filling you with more wonder.

David stood by you the whole time taking in the beautiful scenery.

"It's beautiful" you breathed breaking the silence, "David?" You asked turning around realizing how quiet he was.

You gasped when David was behind you on one knee smiling up at you, "y/n I wanted to ask you this for a very long time.... Will you Marry me?" He said

You were speechless, the only thing you could do was cry and shake your head yes.

The rest of he night went by like a blur, everything seemed so right


It was dark outside and you were walking to your boyfriend Gabes house, you were just outside his door when the batman theme song played loudly and your boyfriend appeared in a batman cape standing on top of his roof.

"What are you doing?" You laughed "I'm batman" he said smiling down at you making you laugh more.

Gabe came off the roof and went to the front door surprising you with a kiss, "follow me"

He dragged you upstairs and unto the roof, he had a blanket down and a few candles. Gabe sat down and asked you to sit down with him and enjoy the few hours you have together.

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