ONE ✔︎

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Bucky Barnes, the reformed Winter Soldier, was walking downtown on a crisp Saturday morning. As the man was observing the city around him, he saw a child walking in front of a car as it runs a stop light. Hurriedly rushing to the girl, he pushes the child to the side, the car barely missing them both.

"Hey kid, you ok? I'm Bucky, by the way." He questions softly as he reached for her hand to help her up from the ground.

The girl nods, giggling quietly. With his SuperSoldier hearing, Bucky easily catches the joyous sound.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

She looks at her shoulder and moves her sleeve showing him she has no right arm.

"What happened to your arm, kid?" Bucky can't help but question, eyebrows furrowing.

"H-Hydra," she whispers as she looks away. Her voice was quiet, eyes cast to the ground in fear. There was a quiver in her stance, another sign of the emotion she felt frequently.

"Wait, did you say Hydra?" Bucky looks up from the child, searching his surroundings for any suspicious activity. He can't be captured, again. "Follow me, we don't want them to see you if they are following you." He places a hand on the small of her back gently, guiding her beside him.

The girl nods her head as she moves under the street light. Under the bright lighting Bucky can see lots of scars and bruises all over her frail body.

"What's your name, kid?" Bucky walks forward, eyes in front of him.

"I-I don't remember... I can't remember if I even had one." The young girl says, ashamed of herself.

"Well what do you want to be called?"

"I don't know. You can call me whatever you want."

"Ok." After the one word answer, they both grow silent.

She grabs his metal hand as they pick up the pace to keep up as they head to his motorcycle.

It takes Bucky by surprise, not use to the physical contact. After he get used to it, Bucky smiles as she holds his hand. That was the first sign of trust.

"Is this your ride?" She checks out the bike, eyes filled with amazement.

"Yep, my favorite form of transportation. I'm not a fan of trains though."

She was going to question him about it, but decided against it when she caught the unfamiliar emotion flashing through his usually emotionless eyes.

Once they get on his motorcycle they drive for half an hour to the Avengers Compound.

"Guys, I'm back!!" Bucky yells, his voice echoing off the wall and increasing in volume.

Steve walks in, a big smile on his face at the return of his best friend. He pauses as he sees the girl behind Bucky. "Who's this?  Buck, you know you cant kidnap kids off the street."

"But this one needed saving. Found her about to get hit by a car. She claims that she escaped Hydra."

Steve leans down to the child's height. Speaking softly he says, "you're gonna be okay kid, but we need your help if we are going to catch them."

She nods, a determined look in her eyes. She looks up at Bucky as Tony and Nat walk into the room.

"Bucky are you kidnapping kids now? What the hell!" Tony shouts, pointing to the little being.

The mentioned child quickly hides behind Bucky and holds his leg tightly. Nat leans down, a comforting and motherly smile on her face.

"You're safe, sweetheart. What's your name?" Nat asks.

"I-I dont have one, I don't think," she says nervously.

Bucky moves out of hearing distance with Steve and Tony, hiding in the corner of the room. Natasha stays back to talk to the little girl.

"What do you think Hydra was using her for? She can't be older than 5 or 6." Steve whispered, eyes casted to watch the child and woman interact.

"I think they may have been doing the same things to her that they did to me." Bucky said quietly, unsure of the answer.

Across the room, Nat and the girl are hugging each other. "Do you like your name Kira?" They had grown close quickly, the girl taking to the mother figure instantly.

"Yes, it's the most beautiful name I've ever heard." Kira said, eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Hey, why so happy?" Bucky asks, smiling as he walks over to Nat and the kid.

"Natasha gave me a name!! It's Kira!!" Kira said happily, a little jumpy from all the adrenaline in her little body.

"That's awesome!"

Tony struts up, getting on one knee to be at her height. "Kira, is it ok if we do a couple tests and a medical checkup to make sure you're ok?"

"Ok, but only if Bucky can stay with me?" Kira says as she reaches for Bucky's hand.

"Of course, Kira."

They begin to walk to the lab. It's all quiet until Kira speaks up. "Hey Bucky, can I have a piggy back ride?"

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