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Kira's POV:

"Daddy, can I go wake up Pietro and Peter so they can play with me?" I ask as I get off my chair.

"Yes, you can, doll." He allows, kissing me on the head before I sprint off. I run towards Peter's room and start jumping on his bed.

"Wake up!!" I shout as loud as I can in his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." I ran out of his room and towards Pietro's room and jumped on him. He screams. I giggle childishly at the sound.

"You scream like a girl." I run away as he chases me into the kitchen.

He catches up to me, grabbing me up and starting to tickle me. "S-Stop," I laugh out. He puts me down and sets me in my chair.

Everyone is smiling and laughing. "Who was screaming bloody mary?" Tony walked into the room, looking mad and tired.

I point at Pietro and he points at me. I glare at him. "It was Pietro. I scared him trying to wake him up." Peter and Loki finally walk into the kitchen.

"Loki, will you be my kitty today, please?" I grab the cat ears off the counter and try to put them on his head. Key word: tried.

He walks past me and mutters a "no". I start to feel really angry and energy surging through me. I notice my hand is glowing again.

"Kira, calm down, please. Take deep breaths." I hear Wanda say to me, kneeling in front of me. I do as she says and try to calm down.

I start panicking because it wasn't working. "Why isn't it working?" I ask with a worried tone.

"Here, do what I do, okay Kira?" I nod and watch her closely. I try to ignore everyone standing behind the counter staring at me. "Okay, now you do it."

I try it a couple times and keep failing. I stare at my hand and I see a blast from it, the blast hitting the ceiling. Clint falls through and lands in front of us. He looks around, shocked and confused. "Oops."

"What the fu... fudge guys?" He stares at me and Wanda.

"Sorry, uncle Clint." I hear Thor whisper to Loki that he better put the ears on. I see Loki frowning and deciding to put the ears on.

"It's okay, kiddo." I hug him then follow Wanda into the training room. Daddy and the team follow behind us.

Once we were in the center of the room, Wanda faced me. "Think of something that makes you angry, scared, or sad and focus on that one thing." Wanda instructs me.

I close my eyes and think of HYDRA and what they did to me. I start to feel a mix of negative emotions, wanting to fight back. I open my eyes and see that my whole body is surrounded by blue energy.

"See that target over there? Shoot it and let all of that pent up energy out." Wanda says, pointing out the target.

I focus on it and think of it as the enemy. I raise my hand and point it at the target. I immediately start blasting it multiple times, letting all my anger out.

Once my anger is all out, I calm back down and the blue energy around me fades.

"Wow." I hear Tony and Rhodey both say at the same time.

I look at daddy, who's looking back at me with a proud look. I look back at the target and it was completely destroyed.

"Great job Kira." Pietro gives me a high five.

I yawn, "thanks." I head towards Nat and daddy.

"Do you feel better now that you got all that anger out?" Nat asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and yawn again.

"Tired?" Steve asks as he opens the door for everyone. I nod again. Daddy picks me up and takes me into the living room.

"I was able to scan the energy that Kira was blasting and surrounding her." Bruce announces, showing us a hologram of what looks like energy readings. "They look quite similar to Wanda's energy readings." After hearing him talk for what feels like hours I fall asleep on daddy's shoulder.

—— two hours later ——

I wake up laying next to Pietro and Wanda on the couch. I sit up and stretch. "Where's daddy?" I ask them.

"He went to go get some stuff in town with the team." I look at Wanda suspiciously.


"Do you want to go practice some more in the training room?" Wanda asks and I nod excitedly. I jump up and run to the training room, completely forgetting about my suspicions.

"We are going to work on using your power on command without thinking about something that makes you upset. After that we'll go meet up with the team for dinner.." I nod. I stand in the middle of the room and try on focusing on the energy while closing my eyes. "Great job, Kira." I open my eyes and see the blue energy around me. "Now I want you to try to slowly stop that energy from taking over and try to turn it off like a switch." I focus on the energy once again. I think of something like a light switch. After a few minutes, I felt myself again and saw the energy that was once around me disappeared.

"Great job, Kira!"

I jump up and down with excitement. "I DID IT!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Okay, let's go get ready for dinner." I run to my room and quickly grab a dress that Nat gave me and put it on. I ran to the bathroom and put my hair down.

I sprint back downstairs, meeting Pietro and Wanda at the door. We get in the car and head into the city.

After we arrive we head into a very expensive restaurant. I see daddy and I run to him and give him a huge hug. I sit between Pietro and Peter, the two are like my big brothers.

Half way through dinner daddy stands up and walks up to Nat. I see him pull something out of his pocket and kneel on one knee.

"Natasha Romanoff, ever since I met you I knew you were the one for me. Through our hard times, and differences, I've loved you through it all. I can't imagine life without you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife by marrying me?" I see Nat start nodding happily and crying joyfully. I look at Uncle Stevie confused.

"What happened?" I ask, not understanding what had just happened.

"Natasha is going to be your new mother."

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